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Wow. Overpowered, OCG is off, and the type does not say "and."


1. You cannot guarantee that the opponent will have a Dark Hole. Even if they do, 8000 is a little TOO MUCH to gain from being destroyed.

2. Why did you use the maximum number of stars? This should be a 6 star monster.

3. You do not say "AND" in a type. It Should read: Warrior / Spellcaster / Effect.

4. The OCG is slightly off. It should read:


"When this card is destroyed by "Dark Hole," increase your Life Points by 8000 and destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field."



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Its broken!!

if the opponent use dark hole at the first turn? your life points will be 16000?


I could imagen someone using 3 in traditional format and continuesly bringing back dark hole to kill it and playing sheet like monster reborn to bring it back


The OCG is the worst, and why does it have two types?


And to think you tryed to become a mod.



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