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2 new "Rainbow Dragons"


the Best card?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. the Best card?

    • The first (mine frindes card)
    • The second (mine card)

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My friend and I tried to make the best new "Rainbow Dragon" :P


My Friends:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 1 "Rainbow Dragon" and 7 "Crystal Beasts" with differnt names from your side of the field. You can equip 1 "Crystal Beast" once a turn to this card, as an Union monster. Depending on wich card it is, this card gets differnts effects:

-Crystal Beast Amber mammoth: You can select the attack target for your oppnents attack.

-Crystal beast Emerald Tortoise: Your monster cards cannot be destroyd by battle.

-Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger: All monster you control gain 500 ATK when they attack during the Battle Phase only.

-Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat: All your monster can attack your opponent directly. If they does, the battle damage is halved.

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle: The effect of all your opponets Trap cards are negated.

-Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle: You can look at all your opponets Facd-down cards, and all card in his/her hand.

Crystal Beast Saphire Pegasus: All your opponents mosnter card loses 1000 ATK during the battle phase only. You can tribute 1 "Rainbow Dragon" on your side of the field to destroy all yout opponents monsters and inflict halfe of the destroyds monsters orginal ATK to your opponets life points.


Ultimate Rare




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Rainbow Dragon" on your side of the field. Remove 1 "Crystal Beast" on your side of the field to inflict 1000 damage to your opponents life points.If this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Rainbow Dragon" from your Graveyard, ignoring the Summoning conditions.


Secret Rare


Which is best, except for the grammar? (We both spell very bad)

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