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The Rules, Second Edition


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  2. General Rules
  3. Threads and Roleplays
  4. PG-Marking
  5. Out of Character
  6. Club-Specific Roleplays
  7. God Moding
  8. Application
  9. Post Value


General Rules

The roleplaying forum is a part of the Yugioh Card Maker community. Henceforth, all rules specified by the moderators are applied here as well.


Threads and Roleplays

An RP does not need more than one thread. You don't need to post a new thread every time your RP reaches a new “part” or equivalent. However, so-called “sign-up” threads are allowed. A member can not host more than two active Roleplays at the same time; so once an RP has started, the signup thread will be locked to not count against this number.



Not all roleplays are appropriate for all members here on YCM. Therefore, when posting a roleplay aimed at a specific group, put the appropriate tag in the title:

  • PG-13
    If your roleplay includes mild swearing, a degree of graphical violence, or mild sexual content, it is better placed as a PG-13.
  • PG-16
    If your roleplay includes harsh language, strong graphical violence, or a higher degree of sexual content, it is classified as PG-16.
  • M
    M-rated roleplays, including gore, graphical violence or extreme sexual content, are not allowed at the Yugioh Card Maker Forum. A large part of our members are eighteen or under: Having an M-rated roleplay here wouldn't make any sense.


Out of Character

To make your posts easier to read for your fellow role-players - and anyone that happens to read them - place an OOC label at the start of any text that is role-play related, but is not said by your character in specific or maybe not even related to your character's situation at all.


Club-Specific Roleplays

Club-specific roleplays, where only members of a certain club can join and play, are allowed on this forum. Apart from all the other rules, Club-specific roleplays have one special rule: A club can only host one club-specific roleplay at a time. This is to promote open roleplays.


God Moding

God Moding is, for short, when a player does something she isn't allowed to do. This might include:

  • Controlling other player's characters, given that they don't have a permission.
  • Controlling NPC's, characters normally controlled by the host.
  • Controlling battle, rendering yourself invulnerable and one-shotting all your opponents.
  • Have amazing luck.
  • Creating NPCs to improve your own character's strength.


Late application

If you wish to join a roleplay after it has started, contact the host via PM. Do not post in the thread; this tend to annoy people.


Post value

To improve the overall feeling around the roleplay you are in, try to make you post worth as much as possible. Add more content by describing how the world moves around you as you walk by. (without conflicting with Rule 6) Write so that anyone can understand you when they read.

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