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I'm not sure if there is allready a thread of this nature in existance

I propose that there be check boxes like the one for Divine beast-type cards for Sub-Types, you would probably need a check box to enable Sub Types in order for this to work.


EG: Tuner (check box) Toon (check box) Union (check box)




Who's with me?


in my case creating a sub-type means:

1. create card

2. save card

3. Open card in paint.

4. Edit card so the ] at the end is after the sub type

5. copy a blank section of card and use it to cover the word effect, and the slash.

6. upload to tinypic

7. copy from tinypic to the thread I made the card for.

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well,i am probably sure this has been suggested many times and hes working on it!and if people wanted to do sub-types,they have to do it themselves?and many people said you can just type in "Warrior/Gemini " and it will come up but it didn't work and the tut for it got un-stickied and locked because they said you can do that.

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yes, this has been suggested about 15 times from what i remember from the last year that i have been on...


anywho, it is being worked on, hopefully. At least there is a way to do it now, even if it means hassle. :| maybe i could sell those when Tersus Effercio starts back up... XD


ah well, i guess it is always good to have a reminder...

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