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Kingdom Hearts:Drive for Soul(LOCK)

Alastar Rainford

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Tetsuo: I was fighting a fake? Ah crap! Roscuro, i hope you have some way of tracing that portal's location and to re-open it again, otherwise who knows what Mr Scruffles could do! Because i mean that not only will Erin get to carry out his revenge, which shouldn't happen anyway (OoC: Since Tetsuo doesn't like the idea of taking peoples lives), but also whatis Mr Scruffles going to do with Sora's dispelled Darkness?

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Cheetah was still talking to ron in her thoughts since shes in her wild cat form.

Cheetah:Ron im glad your awake,Hold on,Cheetah went up to a speed on 250Mph and leapt in the air,Breaking an invisable portal barrier sending them to the location of sora.She grabbed Ron of her back with her mouth and put him on the floor.She then turned into a bigger cheetah made from dust.And said in her thoughts to ron"Get ready for attack".Sora looked at then and prepeard to fight them

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OoC: I thought you were dragged away by Cheetah?


Tetsuo: *Notices that the portal was still slightly open* ? Wait, i saw the portal close, so how akm i able to see a fragment of it? *Slowly pushes his oversized, white fist towards the fragment,and slowly, it began to open again* Well, thats convieniant...

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The gaint cheetah wich cheetah(the girl)Had no control of jumped on top of sora,And started rippign at his chest.Making only little damage sora stood upjumped on top of the gaint cheetah and started to control it.The dust cheetah turned back into the wildcat and sora put rope around its mouth pat its back and jumped of just before the animal went of into a darkness portal,The 12 year old was no longer in control of her powers or her body.

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Tetsuo: *After appearing through the portal with Roscuro* Whoah. Did we miss something?


*When he sees Cheetah being trapped in the darkness portal, he charges up his first with white light and oucnhes the darkness, thus destroying it. He then picks up cheetah.*


Tetsuo: You ok?


*Sees Sora behind him*


Sora: I;m very disapointed with you Tetsuo. I thought i told you to get that Chain of Nothingness for me, and i was going to help you get back your memories as well...oh well!


Tetsuo: Wait, your saying you-


Sora: Yes, i'm the one who gave you that task! It' not to late you know.Kill Erin, Lee and theothers now and i'll help you...well,what do you say?


Tetsuo: *Looks at the injured Cheetah, then looks back at Sora* I may have lost my memories, but i'm not stupid. I'll never take a life, no matter what the reason! I'll get my memories back some way, a way that won't harm any innocient people!


Sora: You fool! *Smack Tetsuo into the air with his dark Keyblade* You only exist to kill, and you should consider yourself luky, as usually Nobodies don't have a purpose, as they wern't even meant to exist to begin with! NOW DIE! *From his Keyblade, he fires a beam of darkness directly at Tetsuo. From the aftermath of the attack, Tetsuo was no where to be seen.*

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Cheetah was still in a deep sleep and didnt have a clue anything was happening.She was in the spirt world travlign through the forest.She had been told to meet a god called Ravenjki,But she must show no expression at all when speaking to him or,She will die a sudden death.She met him and said"I need to find the spirt chain"


Ravenjki:Really now,why do you ask this?

Cheetah:I need it to defeat sora,And i also no that its the only thing that can break teh chain of nothingness.Once i destroy teh chain of nothingness Erin will be free and Tetsuo will get his memories back.

Ravenjki: ok,But first you must proove your worthy,And also do keep a straight face*laughs evily)....................................................................

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*Somewhere in a dark void, Tetsuo is just floating around, unaware of what had just happened*


Tetsuo: Am i...dead?


???: No,your just having a near death experience.


Tetsuo: *Suprised by this sudden voice, he turn s around to see a hooded figure, just like the one he saw last time he was in the black void* ! Wait, who are you? You better not be Sora!


???: No, i'm not him. I'm actually here to help you, but before i do, i need you to do something for me.


Tetsuo: That would be...?


???: To bring Sora back to his sences. This will only work if you defeat him along with a few of his greatest friends.But before we can do this, we need to destroy the chain of Nothingness.


Tetsuo: Wait, hold on! Don't we need the chain of Nothingness to defeat him?


???: That won't work. At least, not anymore. I don't know who, but someone else is helping Sora, giving him more power, so much power in fact, that hes now to strong for the Chains of Nothingness to work. Plus, there was a reason why he wanted you to get those chains for him.


Tetsuo: Yeah, now that you mention it, why did he need those chains?


???: To carry out his plan. At least, the other persons plan, the one thats helping him get stronger that is. But first, i'll give you this card. Its a memory of one ofyour attacks.


Tetsuo: *When ??? hands him the card, he sees an image of himself, but the 4 ebds of his scarf are spinning around very quickly, producing a blue flame, while hes charging forwards* This is something else for my scarf. Wait, before you go, what is a Nobody?


???: Well as a matter of fact,your a Nobody. And so am I. I'm one of the members of Organisation 13...the one that you had also joined before the crisis occured.


Tetsuo: Wait, what are you on about? *But as he said these words, a sudden light formed around him, and began to wake up. As he did, he heard ???'s wards, which were "Destroy the chains of Nothingness, and please stop Sora in the way that i mentioned before. Its the only way to stop him now...*


*Wakes up to see Cheetah's unconsious body right next to his, and Sora fighting erin, Lee and Ron*

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Cheetah was going through a life or death experence.She was terrified,to pass the test to get teh spirt chain she had to keep a straight face,no expression.She had passed.She woke up and saw tetsuo lookign at her.Inside Her hand was the spirt chain.She handed it to tetsuo and said"im not a swordsman but you are"

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ooc: i will npc Sora for nowThis is his voice


You are fools, you haven't even seen the power i wield from Sora's hand a orb of the purest darkness and malice ever seen is formed, he fires the darkness and out of it comes a giant wolf that's power is so intense that everyone is actually harmed by it except Sora

ooc: that Wolf is Fenir, a heartless created from the hearts of a world and all who inhabit it, it is incredibly powerful and it will take at least 3 people to bring down, (or just Lee and Roscuro, but they will suffer some serious wounds)

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oh well then why did you say Roscuro?it dont matter

"Waoh. We might have a problem." ~Lee pulled out some chains.Tied the beast up.~ "That held you once it should hold you while i ill you." ~Lee then pulled out his swords carved out its eyes then cut its head off.~ "Well solves that problem."

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the sword bounces off Fenirs neck and the chains snap as Fenir is loosed he then proceeds to attack Lee, biting into his right arm and slashing his chest

Fenir then leaps backwards and roars creating a shock wave that knocks Lee 10 feet away then he spews dark energy onto the floor causing pillars of fire, lightening, and ice to engulf Erin and Lee

ooc: did you really think that it will be that easy, he is a heartless made by a planet and everyone in it, it is far stronger than Lee, even with the chains,

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ooc:he is still blind

"Lee uses the chains to give himself animal instincts. Lee then grabeshis chains reforms them into an axe embeded with dimond.~ "Light lays within every soul." ~Lee doodges an attack then hurls the blade towards the beast. The blade hits him right in the eyes. Light poured out changing the beast into a smaller form of it original self. Lee then stomped on it instantly killing it. Lee then remembered the crystals, he used one and then turened to Erin.~ "You want to do the honners?"

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