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Thouands of years ago being known as Yami once came close to conquering the Earth with mystical creatures. But, the spirit of a hero fused with a human known as . The human gained immense strength and used creatures of his own to stop the being. Yami was sealed inside a artifact with his power lost. The creatures where turned into cards. However, in this Era, a mad scientist went back in time on accident, and fell on the human, making the spirit of the Hero exit his body. Since the power of the hero was no longer with Rilo, instead the creatures where sealed in cubes. Now, havoc is wreaking in the present as those cubes replaced the cards and have been obtained by a reincarnation of Yami, known as Evvil. Some cubes were left behind. Those artifacts were known as D.I.C.E, Dark Incriptions of Creature Earth, since they summoned creatures from a different universe. Now, you must obtain those left over dice and fight back - or help Evvil.




Here's the from and avabile dice sets. You have 1 set. Here's what the stats mean:

Strength - How much attack/defense power

Level - What part of the field it plays on. Think of it as what floor it's elevator stops at. Monsters can only be attacked by monsters on the same level, unless otherwise stated on a monsters effect.

Cost: What you need to do to summon it.

Effect: Name says it all.

If there are any questions on gameplay, just PM me.


[spoiler= Form ] Name:




D.I.C.E Set:



[spoiler= My Form ]

Name: Robbie

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Bio: A honest and smart boy with a bit of a temper. Has trouble making friends. He has called everyone in his neighborhood in to help fight Evvil. However, some ended up helping Evvil, after he told them about the great powers of the D.I.C.E

D.I.C.E Set: Bonds of Dragon

Side: Good



You win by destroying all of your opponent's D.I.C.E. A match with D.I.C.E is called a "Creature Collide". The saying for Creature Collisions is "Worlds Collide Now!" which also opens up the field.


D.I.C.E Sets (Good Side)

[spoiler= Fairy Crusaders (Please Read it has some pointers ]

D.I.C.E (Like Monsters)

Fairy Captain x1(Strength: LV4/3rd Level/Cost: Tribute 1 Field to Summon./Effect: When attacked, you can switch this card to 2nd Level by sending 1 D.I.C.E to the Below Ground 2. Also, this D.I.C.E can attack monsters on the 2nd Level)


Fairy Archer x3 (Strength: LV2/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: Can attack monsters on the 1st and 2nd Level)


Fairy Team x1 (Strength:LV3/1 Level/ Cost: None/Effect: Any "Fairy Archer" monsters cannot be attacked.


Fields (Like a Field Spell. Your fields tale up one half, and your opponent's take uo the other. Your monsters can only be on a level where you have half a field or Below Ground 2, which is like the Graveyard, except Zombies can be active their)

1st Level Field

Angel Pit (Effect: All monsters with LV3 strength on the 1st Level, other than "Fairy Team", are dropped to Below Ground 2)


2 Level Field

Angel Sky Race (Effect: All of your opponents monsters on the 2nd field have their Strength reduced by 1)


3rd Level Field

Angel Captain's Palace (Effect: Any monster that doesn't have "Angel" in it's card name cannot exist on the 3rd Level)


Aid Card (Like A Spell)


Wings of An Angel (Effect: Select 1 "Fairy Archer" You control. It is moved up 2 Levels)


[spoiler= Beasts of Igatar ]



x1 Lion - The King (Strength: LV6/1st Level/Cost: Send 1 of your D.I.C.E to Below Ground 2/Effect: None)


x2 Ape - The Evolved (Strength: LV2/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E cannot be attacked unless your opponent gives up their Aid Card)


x1 Elephant - The Giant (Strength: LV4/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E can be attacked by a monsters on the 2nd Level. If it is attacked by a monster on the 1st Level, it's strength is decreased by LV1)


x1 Fox - The Clever (Strength: LV3/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E can only be attacked by a monster with a cost.)



1st Level Field

The Jungle (Effect: All "Elephant - The Giant" and "Lion - The King" monsters cannot be attacked by monsters on the 1st Level)


Below Ground 2 Field

Igatar (Effect: All "Lion - The King" monsters in Below Groind 2 are sent to the 1st Level)


Aid Card: Pyshcological Warfare (Cost: Send 1 "Fox - The Clever" to Below Ground 2/Effect: All of your opponent's monsters have their strength reduced by LV1)


[spoiler= Sacred Guardians ] D.I.C.E

x2 The Stone Giant (Strength: LV4/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E can attack monsters on the 2nd Level. On the 1st Level, this is only D.I.C.E your opponent can attack)


Sacred Shield (Strength: LV5/2nd Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E cannot attack, but it is the only thing on the 2nd Level that your opponent can attack)


Swordsman of Tiri (Strength: LV2/2nd Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E can attack 2 times in 1 turn)



The Bird Without Wings (Strength: LV2/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This card's strength is increased by LV2 if it attacks a monster with a cost)




1st Field (You get 2 of it)

Shield Canyon (Effect: This card can also be placed on the 1st Level. If any of your D.I.C.E are sent to Below Ground 2 because they lost a battle, the monster they battled with has it's Strength reduced by LV1)


Aid Card:

Sacred Sword (Effect: Activate only when you have a "Sacred Shield". All "Sacred Shield" D.I.C.E can attack)


D.I.C.E Sets (Bad Side)

[spoiler= Secrets of The Underworld ] D.I.C.E

x1 Vamp (Strength: LV5/2nd Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E can attack monsters on the 1st Level and 2nd Level)

x3 Zombie (Strength: LV3/Below Ground 2/Cost: Send 1 D.I.C.E to Below Ground 2/Effect: This card can be active in Below Ground 2. Also, it can attack D.I.C.E on the 1st Level)

x1 Fiend Axe (Strength: LV6/2nd Level/Cost: Send 1 D.I.C.E to Below Ground 2/Effect: This D.I.C.E attacks once. After that, send it to Below Ground 2)



2nd Level Field

Graveyard (Effect: None)


Aid Card: Demon Summon (Effect: You can summon 1 extra D.I.C.E this turn)


[spoiler= Pyromaniacs ] D.I.C.E.

x2 Burn Warrior (Strength: LV4/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: When this D.I.C.E attacks, reduce the strength of 1 of your opponent's D.I.C.E by LV1)

x2 Burn Dragon (Strength: LV3/2nd Level/Cost: Send 1 of your D.I.C.E to Below Ground 2/Effect: All "Burn Warriors" have their strength increased by LV1)

x1 Burner (Strength: LV0/1st Level/Cost: None: Effect: Any monster that attacks this D.I.C.E has it's strength reduced by LV2


1st Level (You get 2 of it)

Burn Palace: (Effect: You can place this card in the 1st or 2nd Level. All of your opponent's monsters in the same level as this field have their strength reduced by LV1)


Aid Card: Flame (Effect: Send 1 D.I.C.E your opponent controls to Below Ground 2)


[spoiler= Infestation ] D.I.C.E

x4 Insecto (Strength: LV1/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E has it's strength increased by 1 for every other "Insecto" on the field)

x1 Ant Queen (Strength: LV5/1st Level/cost: Send 2 "Insecto" D.I.C.E to below ground 2/Effect: This D.I.C.E cannot be destroyed by a field or aid card)



1st Level Field

Land of Bug (Effect: If your opponent attacks your last D.I.C.E, you can move your D.I.C.E to another level)


2nd Level Field

Spare Colony (Cost: Give up your Aid Card/Effect: Any "Insecto" D.I.C.E on this field cannot be destroyed by battle)


Aid Card

Reinforcements (Effect: Summon 1 "Insecto" to the field)


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Name:Neos Zeros



Bio:At first wanted to help evvil but evvil neglected him now he fights to rid of their existence

Dice Set:Mechanizer Mayhem


sorry i didn't chose a dice set but i reckon more people wold join if they could use their own but say have 20 people on the good side and 20 people on the bad side each with their own dice set but if to over powered reject them this was my idea

Dice set name:Mechanizer Mayhem

x2 Mechanizer N.O.S 2.0(strength:Lv 3/1st level/Cost:none/When this D.I.C.E attacks this D.I.C.E Gains 1 strength)

X2 Mechanizer N.O.S 3.0(strength:Lv 4/2nd level/cost:none/When a D.I.C.E attacks this D.I.C.E that D.I.C.E loses 1 strength)

X1 Mechanizer N.O.S 4.0(strength:Lv5/3rd level/Cost:1 D.I.C.E below ground/all Mechanizer monsters gain 1 strength apart from this one.

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OK, the ones I made will be samples, but you can make your own. However, there will be a D.I.C.E shop to buy/sell D.I.C.E, and you can also trade D.I.C.E with other RPers. Anyway, I think I'll make myself a custom D.I.C.E set. [spoiler= Bonds of Dragon] D.I.C.E

x1 Poison Dragon (Strength: LV4/2nd Level/Cost: None/Effect: Once per turn, you can reduce the strength of one of your opponent's D.I.C.E by LV1)

x1 Steel Dragon (Strength: LV5/1st Level/Cost: Give up your Aid Card/Effect: This D.I.C.E can attack twice in the same turn. If it does, destroy it)

x2 Dragon Apprentice (Strength: LV2/2nd Level/Cost: None/Effect: This D.I.C.E has it's strength increased by LV2 if "Poison Dragon" is on the field)

x1 Dragon Tamer/Strength: LV0/1st Level/Cost: None/Effect: Send 1 D.I.C.E with "Dragon" in it's name to Below Ground 2. This D.I.C.E gains that D.I.C.E's Strength. After this D.I.C.E attacks 2 times, send it to Below Ground 2.



1st Level Field

Dragon Swamp (Effect: Your opponent's D.I.C.E have their strength reduced by LV1)


2nd Level Field

Dragon Field (Any D.I.C.E on the 1st Level have their strength reduced by LV1)


Aid Card

Dragon Air (Effect: Select 1 "Dragon" D.I.C.E. It has it's strength increased by LV1, and must attack. after that attack, send it to Below Ground 2)

I'll give you guys rep as soon as possible. We can start as soon as we get a guy on the Evil side.

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