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can i help you?

i'll just give you a small amount of advice you might want to make your recolors look pro.

make a new layer with the recolored card and 1 with the original.

make the original behind the coloured one.

now erase the stars and attributes and the image, if wanted to the effect aswell.

BTW: if you dont want to erase the effect box dont make it too dark cause the effect will be unable to be read by members.


Hope this helps, i will show a example of what i mean.





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Allright' date='Ill set you a challenge.

[spoiler=Special recolor these Black,']




Cube the ones above,

[spoiler=And shine these.]





If you do good you get 1 rep and 90 points.


You are right, this is a challenge. I will get started now. Oh, and out of courtesy, I have to make it gray, not black, so people can read your cards!


EDIT: Here are your orders. I organized them by type of order.


[spoiler=Black Recolors]













[spoiler=Cube Cards]


























There ya go! All done! That took awhile! -_-''

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Yay, thanks Grale. I think I am ready to sell HOLOs here, after 30 more minutes of practice. And then I might go under Tetra's teaching to do Advanced Holos. So, by tomorrow, I will be selling Full Picture Holos. Since I am a n00b at them, they might cost a lot [5 Points], but I will give special deals for them.

I have officially added HOLOs and Colored HOLOs. The prices may be a tad expensive now, but the more orders and the more experience I get, means the lower the prices will get. So even if the prices are high, order them. DO NOT ORDER ADVANCED HOLOS. They are not available as of now. Everything else IS.

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The more nice customers like you I have, and the more experience I get, the less HOLO prices will be. I shall get right on that, sir.






3 Points please. It would be 4, but it is the Grand Opening sale!

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do you accept workers?my old shop didn't get much workers for some very odd reason,i can do just about everything on the list,but for holos i don't have any sheets so can you let me borrow one?in exchange,i will give you my knowledge of card changing.i might not be able to do some but most.my recolors will be different than yours so i suggest you let people choose which style they prefer.

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ok here it is:


[spoiler=full card recolors]








[spoiler=ghost card]




[spoiler=full card inverts]




[spoiler=flame card]




[spoiler=nature card]




[spoiler=mist card]




[spoiler=circular card]




[spoiler=cube card]




[spoiler=spotlight card]




[spoiler=Attribute and Stars Colored]




[spoiler=Standard Recolor]




[spoiler=Special Recolor]




[spoiler=Picture and Card Border Recolor]




[spoiler=Picture Recolor]

i can recolor only certain parts of the picture too!




i dunno how to do the glow card,can you teach me?





i also need the holo sheet to do holos can you give me it?

[spoiler=Advance holos]

to me they seem to be just certain parts not holoed,i managed to do this because my style allows me to without the holo sheet.16k9jb8.png





this might make you wanna say,why should i teach you how to do glow cards and give you a holo sheet?well,in exchange for your help and teaching,i will also teach you what i know and help you on this shop,i won't do any orders if you are:


2.PMs me saying do not do any orders before you leave.

3.people request you to do it instead o.0?

i can also do better recolors than the ones i placed up,i can make the ones like the ones in my tut and in my shop examples(do not post in the shop,i think it's well dead.).i can also do dark synchros but i am testing it out.

depending on how much i earn at the end of the week,i will give a certain percentage to you.


some of them look the same because i used the same base card but i didn't just take it from your examples

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Attribute and Stars Colored [6 Points]




Attribute Color: Purple

Star Color: Green







Cards to holo:





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