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credit http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq2/grale/Volte.jpg



Credit http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq2/grale/DO1600.jpg


[spoiler=Dragono protecter]109518yu5.jpg

credit http://i36.tinypic.com/15eim9t.jpg



Credit http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq2/grale/Light_Dragon_by_pamansazz-2.jpg


[spoiler=dragon destruction]109518vr6.jpg



[spoiler=[b]Dragono awaking[/b]]109518yv8.jpg

Credit http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq2/grale/airdragon7.jpg



[spoiler=[b]Soul Keeper[/b]]109518mx1.jpg

Credit http://i428.photobucket.com/albums/qq2/grale/sunillustfff.jpg



[spoiler=Dragon showdown]109518tx3.jpgme and my cousin made that card :)

Credit http://www.astoundingessays.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/dragons.jpg



Credit http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll227/avi6210/ice_dragon.jpg




Credit:My photobucket i recolored it



Credit http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh279/peindora/1086_Drake1.jpg


holo all with 7 5 6 and 4

you said it was slow now it is not

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For SammidySam, it looks horrible when a SpotLight and a HOLO are mixed, so I will have to do them seperatley. I hope that is OK. For Grale, there is no way I am doing 4 HOLO sheets for EACH card. Instead, I will use one HOLO sheet and change the colors around. I'll use the spotlight one. You'll see. Thanks for ordering, this might take awhile. Thanks a lot Grale! <_

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' pid='1276789' dateline='1224960236']

For SammidySam' date=' it looks horrible when a SpotLight and a HOLO are mixed, so I will have to do them seperatley. I hope that is OK. For Grale, there is no way I am doing 4 HOLO sheets for EACH card. Instead, I will use one HOLO sheet and change the colors around. I'll use the spotlight one. You'll see. Thanks for ordering, this might take awhile. Thanks a lot Grale! <_<

[/quote']I never said mix them xD

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Oh. Well, OK then. Your order is done!


[spoiler=Sam's Order - AURA / HOLO]




Enjoy! Please come again! :D





[spoiler=Grale's Order - 11 HOLO's]


Ok. So, 11 HOLOs. You bought 6, and got the other 5 free. 6 times 6 is 36, since they are all colored. 36 divided by 2 is 18, which means you owe me 18 points.




Thanks for ordering, and come again! :D



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' pid='1276857' dateline='1224961277']

Oh. Well' date=' OK then. Your order is done!


[spoiler=Sam's Order - AURA / HOLO']




Enjoy! Please come again! :D





[spoiler=Grale's Order - 11 HOLO's]


Ok. So, 11 HOLOs. You bought 6, and got the other 5 free. 6 times 6 is 36, since they are all colored. 36 divided by 2 is 18, which means you owe me 18 points.




Thanks for ordering, and come again! :D




i like what you did to the soul keeper

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I would order from you again... but I want to get a name change myself.


Hehehe. Don't count on it. You need to have 1000 or I think 1200 posts and 1000 points. So, might take awhile. And Grale, thanks, I just used the same HOLO sheet and messed the colors around. I tried to use a good color scheme for each, so they were not mixed colors.

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Working on Max's order, and thanks Grale, there were some Dark Synchro orders, can you please do them now, or whenever you get time? K, thanks.


[spoiler=Max's Order - NATURE]




Thanks for ordering! Come again! ;)



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' pid='1282304' dateline='1225052954']

If that is OK? Of course it is OK! :P Working on it now!


[spoiler=Sam's Order - Sub-Type]




Enjoy! :P



THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Now my Yuctacan set is complete!



There you guys go! Please visit it and see how well [Dark] did with my Yuctacan - Water Creator!

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