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Dude. I may be dirt poor, but that is where this shop comes in. I hope to get it stickied. And gimme the picture again, I will make the banner. You decide price. Name changes cost 1000 points, but it was so worth it. I will never need another one again.

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OK, I will find a picture... I will pay you 50 points. I hope you like this. You need to write "The Dark Magician of Sam" on it. I will write it as a gift in my signature if you can write text on it.


And I did not send you the picture before.



I will pay you once you get it to me. I hope it is a good banner :)

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[spoiler=Sam's Order - BANNER]


I did this do the best of my ability, as a noob GFXer and as a noob GIMPer. I will fix any wrongs I have done.



Please report if anyone steals this banner, as I can report and neg them beyond infinity. Hope ya like it!



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Alright, I cannot do a rainbow color, so I will do whatever looks best. I am assuming you want both orders one the same card, so I will do it like that.


[spoiler=Kao's Order - HOLO / Aura]




Thanks, and please shop again! ;):D



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@ Grale, I will work on your order now.

@ Sam, I know it says that on the banner, but where else?


[spoiler=Grale's Order - HOLO]




I mixed two HOLO sheets in one; but I won't sell them as they take too much time. Enjoy! :D



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