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I was bored


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You people wouldn't understand.

When the world feels like its Killing you from the inside out' date='

It's, just, black...

There is no where else to turn.



ok he's emo.


Mech, i owe you 10 bucks. Just add it to the tab =\


See i was right all along just get a sense of humour mae and nobody will care what you are and what your not.

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u minaswell have fun while it last










Would you like people to make fun of you' date=' of what you feel?

That's just Cruel.



Get a sense of humor pl0x.

I totally agree with Altair-san.


Thats really funny!






Lulz! 10/10 ^.^







it looks cool. how do you guys make those custom battle scenes?



very carefully

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funny image ^^

I find it funny. And seriously, if anelson96 wants to keep his chareds of emoness up, he can do that. I believe emoness is just a pathetic fad. If you were truely emo, youd probably kill yourself by the time you finished this sentence, which by the way ended 5 seconds ago.

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