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Warrior BoolTox


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Monsters: 20

3 Marauding captain

3 Junk synchron

3 Gearfried the iron knight

2 Exiled force

2 Jutte fighter

2 Giant rat

2 Quillbolt hedgehog

1 D.D. Warrior lady

1 Grand mole

1 Card trooper


Spells: 8

3 Reinforcement of the army

2 Smoke grenade of the thief

1 Heavy storm

1 Mystical space typhoon

1 Monster reborn


Traps: 12

3 Solemn judgment

2 Limit reverse

2 Blast with chain

2 Bottomless trap hole

1 Mirror force

1 Torrential tribute

1 Trap dustshoot


Extra: 15

3 Stardust

3 Goyo

3 Collosal fighter

2 Android

2 Thought ruler

2 Red dragon


Thinking of making something like this for my brother, since its fairly cheap except for the synchros which I can lend him when I'm not using them.

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The decks not based around gearfried, because gearfried in itself is just a beatstick, and with 6 chances of drawing him (rota) but only 2 for smoke grenade, its consistent enough, and blast with chain works without gearfried anyway.


Comrade is a lv3 warrior tuner with an atk boosting effect but its not out yet.

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IMO blast > kunai because it's a nasty surprise to any DaD, JD, lyla, ryko, breaker etc that tries to destroy it while its face down, and obviously goes with gearfried as well in this deck. For that reason I might add a 3rd blast but I don't want a 3rd smoke grenade (would if I was running TWRA)

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