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MS Paint Help


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A few weeks ago, I was on MS Paint and I was trying to splice some Pokemon. It was working fine, and I saved the splice as a .png. This has nothing to do with what happened, just felt like sharing when it happened. Today, when I wanted to splice again, MS Paint did not show up in Search or Accesories. I searched my whole computer, no MS Paint. Not a trace of it. Maybe someone deleted it, maybe something happened to my computer. What I need is a link that can let me redownload MS Paint [ONLY MS PAINT] for free. I have Windows XP, but I doubt I have the CD laying around. I will see if I can find the CD. Any comments would help, I really wanna get back to splicing.

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I don't know what to tell you about your MS Paint.

What I would suggest doing is doing a system restore on your computer. You can find it in your system controls or system tools.

This will restore your computer back the way it was on a specific date in the past (most of the time, other times if its a serious enough virus, it won't work). You will lose anything you have done between the date you restore it to and that day. Then I would suggest running your anti-virus software followed up by disc cleanup and disc defragmenter.


Otherwise, you can always dump the harddrive and reboot from scratch...


Good luck.

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I shall try it now. Let us see how this works.


EDIT- I tried a System Restore a long time ago, after that had happened. Like maybe last week. So, that was no good. I tried searching for MSPaint. That was no good. I think a link would be the greatest help.

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