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A better John Cena, OCG and effect wise:

John Cena



Level 8

ATK 2600

DEF 2500

When this card successfully destroys a monster, you can add 1 Counter Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. During the turn this effect is activated, the effects of your Counter Trap Cards are negated. If 1 or more of each "Five Knuckle Shuffle", "STFU", and "F-U" are removed from play or in your Graveyard, this card is destroyed.

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A better John Cena' date=' OCG and effect wise:

John Cena



Level 8

ATK 2600

DEF 2500

When this card successfully destroys a monster, you can add 1 Counter Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. During the turn this effect is activated, the effects of your Counter Trap Cards are negated. If 1 or more of each "Five Knuckle Shuffle", "STFU", and "F-U" are removed from play or in your Graveyard, this card is destroyed.

[/quote'] Hmmm...that's pretty good...I might use it!

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