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EDJ Project: Shaman King


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I'm not known well enough to put this as (your username initials here) Project, but I don't care. I'm sure noobs would eat this chance up to spam me out (I'm a harsh critic~), but I will not allow said spamming. All spammers and useless posts (OMFG NUB U SUKKZ -17837891/84783478) by users shall be ~NEG REPPED~. Enjoy.





Ghost - Amidamaru: Basic Union effect, with a 600 ATK/DEF+

Ghost - Tokageroh: Basic Union effect, with a Piercing+

Oversoul - Yoh and Amidamaru


"Asakura Yoh" + "Ghost - Amidamaru"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field (You do not use "Polymerization"). Pay any number of Life Points, as long as your Life Points don't reach 100 or lower. Increase this card's ATK by half of the amount of Life Points paid for this effect, until the End Phase.


Oversoul - Ryu and Tokageroh


"Ryu of the Wooden Sword" + "Ghost - Tokageroh, Revitalized"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field (You do not use "Polymerization"). Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may destroy 1 Set Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls, or destroy 1 face-up Continuous Trap Card your opponent controls. You may return this face-up card to the Extra Deck to increase your Life Points by 1000.


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I love these and Shaman king. I never thought a type, like union, would ever fit anything like union fits the Shaman king spirits. I give you a 9/10 since the concept is cool, no card seems overpowered, but I don't really understand why Ryu's oversoul card has a lifepoint recovery effect. Please post more these are really cool!

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