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Buster Mercenary

Deity Mitsu

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This is probably my favorite card in terms of art aside from Duel Hare. The effect can also be taken advantage of by both participants in the Duel. For instance,your opponent could use this monster to do some major wrecking on your Life Points. Now if your opponent happened to have 2 big boys on the field,this wouldn't be a good idea. If your opponent has a high attack monster on the field,and you don't destroy it with this card,you might be in for a rough ride.See,since Buster never gets sent to the Graveyard, your opponent could just keep hacking away at your Life Points.But this card could also be the ultimate life saver played in face down defense position.You could trick your opponent into attacking,and then counter attack during your next battle phase.Used with Spell and Trap Cards that could flip this monster face down before your opponent gets to attack would probably clear you out of some pretty big jams.

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