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Icyblue Tribute Card

Saturn of Elemia

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Hello everyone. I have another card for you to rate/comment - don't hate since it is a Tribute Card. This card goes out to a well-known and awesome member of YCM - Icyblue. Our Hawaiian friend is ever so wise and cool as ice, hence his name. This card was made in recognition of this. Without further ado:





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters on your field after a Chain of 3 or more Links resolves. When your opponent draws a card(s), your opponent must reveal the drawn card. Apply the following effect based on the card:

-Monster - Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard whose Level is the same as the revealed monster. Reduce the ATK and DEF of the Summoned monster by 100 for each card in your Graveyard.

-Spell - Add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You cannot conduct your Battle Phase during the turn the Spell Card is activated.

-Trap - Destroy 1 card on the field. If the destroyed card is on your field, you can draw 1 card from your Deck.





Hope you like it, dude.

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