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My Pokemon Splice


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save as .png,and perhaps you guys should zoom in when you look at a splice because most of you never pointed out these things:

1.a few floating things flying around

2.the hands are not positioned correctly,you should scratch it if your good,if not then do put arms like that,rotate it a bit,don't just take it straight from the pokemon.

3.the foot only has one and it stuck to the arm a bit.

4.i am not sure but i think foot is wrong shades,porygon says light comes from top left but leg says no as it is dark.

5.the border prevents those to "antennas" from properly sticking.

6.part of the other one(right one) is sticking to the air.

7.seems to me for the elikid ears,the right ear says the light comes from the right side while to body says top-left.reshade like it says in Jappio's splice tutorial.

8.the thing sticking from neck is random and border blocks it from looking like it's sticked.

9.cutted out part of the body to place the second leg making a huge hole

from far away it looks okay but if you zoom in,like Jappio,you find many problems,thats way Jappios ratings are more exact unlike your which just says things like,"great splice 10/10","nice splice"


I WAS GONNA SAY THAT.",ETC.,come up with your own ratings without ripping all of the things from my post.

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I don't get what is going at all. I don't know how so many people can say its cool. The fact that it's not a .PNG is instantly a huge negative. IF you don't save as the proper file type it looks horrible and makes it so you can't go back and fix it either. The ateana on its head are not set up good at all. You didn't even bother to recolor them. Same goes for the wing, you also lack a second wing. The arms look bad the way you have them on, especially the right one because you chopped out part of the body to do so. The angles they are on are also bad, not looking natural or right at all.


Oh also, why the singular thing dangling from it. I asuume a foot, but I can't tell.


Well that's all I have to say, it needs a lot of work and polish.

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