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is you teacher werid or not

Silent Detective

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I don't really have any weird teachers this year.

Oh, wait. Miss Tav =D

You won't get it completely since it's pretty much an inside joke, but you'll probably get the pun.





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My Chemistry teacher is a bit weird. She says "Yes?" or "You see?" after almost everything she explains. Also, if we tell her we got something wrong on the homework, she explains what we did based on what she thinks we did wrong, so usually, we still don't know why our answer is wrong after the explanation and we have to explain the problem again.

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I had this one weird teacher' date=' HE said,

"Give me your balls, NOW!"

It was so hard to NOT laugh at that.



*puts hand in underwear*

Oops, forgot Miss Crichton.


Powerpoints suck balls wiht backgrounds



Miss' date=' is 1+1 two?



And 2+2 is 4?


And should you f*** off?

*not listening* Yeah.


I nearly wet mahself.

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My (ex) form tutor for some unknown reason about 4 times in 25 minutes sung the first line of the chorus to Get Your Hands Off My Woman (by Darkness) and stop as soon as she got the swear word.


Hmm what else can I think of....one of my (ex) teachers was afraid of cows. (Which apparently smell like engines....yeah my work mate is mad). Most of my teachers were a little odd at times. Like random being asked one lesson do I like Trivium by one of my Geo teachers, it was a strange moment.


Another of my (ex) Geo teachers decided to go to Bangladesh on holiday during Monsoon season, crazy huh?

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