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Nightmare Horse : Discussion

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Bad Horse! Bad Horse!

Bad Horse! Bad Horse!


He rides across the nation, the Thoroughbred of Sin

He got the application that you just sent in

It needs evaluation, so let the games begin


A heinous crime, a show of force,

A murder would be nice, of course


Bad Horse! Bad Horse!

Bad Horse! He's bad!


The Evil League of Evil is watching, so beware:

The grade that you receive will be your last, we swear

So make the Bad Horse gleeful, or he'll make you his mare...


You're saddled up, there's no recourse, it's "Hi-ho Silver!"

Signed, Bad Horse

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I top 8'd at a regional thanks to this card. I built a zombie deck that mained 3 messenger of peices, I also mained a despair from the dark, but one other person at the regional had the same idea.

Yes I understand that you are all going to say that it is a bad idea to run messenger of peace because of dark armed, gyzarus, heavy storm, so on so forth, but if they don't pull them quick enough you can control the field. then just stop paying to swing with your big creatures. I just chose the horse do to the fact of all the zombie support in the deck

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only used in a reaper on the nightmare deck.

using this and dark hex (or something else if you have a fusion spell.) and some 1 way stall (like MOP) can leave your opponent without a hand. and that can win you the game for two reasons:

a) no hand = no comebacks

b) forces everything out onto the field early. where you can blast it.

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