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How to build your Fan-Fic (A few Guidelines)

Purple Dinosaur

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If you are about to write a Fan Fic, Take these points in note. These will help you make your Fan Fic organized and very easy to read. So here are some tips!


First thing's first. Use proper grammar. Even if you are against Grammar-Nazis like me, it is in your best interest to spell correctly. I may even give you a Positive Reputation Vote for taking the time to read this. Like some sigs say : "If all words need to be spelled right, go find a book!" well you can do just that!


Secondly, Sentence construction. Your sentences must make sense or else it will seem very confusing to read. I read a lot of Fan Fics and I recognize a lot of weird sentences that throw the subject off by having 1 mistake! As hard to believe as this is, it is true.


Third, propper documentation is a fancy thing. Here are some examples of stuff that you should take note of:


The Bad Format:


"Blah Blah Blah" said Johnny.

"Attack mode" said Jane.


As I have noticed, some Fan Fics put "said" after every quotation. That is something you should not put as it is not how people like to read texts unless they are in books.


The Good Format:


Johnny: Blah Blah Blah!!


Jane: Attack mode!!!


If you have not noticed, this type of text ressembles the kind of text you would have for a script in a play. You can double space it or leave it at single space. I would suggest double spacing it for easier reading and also to make it look longer!





Show some originality!! You don't want the same characters from the shows always coming into place...People like originality!!! You can include some but if the whole gang of them shows up (ex: Jaden, Syrus and the others) then it's not that great since we know their decks perfectly well...





I would say the farthest you can go in graphic nature would be the word "crap" since there are 8-Year-Olds on the forum whom don't need to be taught the language that far. Keep the fighting to a minimum also. We don't want people getting nightmares (This goes for the younger ones).





If you write a Fan-Fic and a person comments well about it, do the same to theirs...It's a good thing and if they need improvement, give them feedback on how it can improve!! Subscribe to each others threads and become friends or something...Who knows, if people start commenting positively on your frineds Fan-Fic, you may receive a "Thank you rep" for helping him/her!!



I hope this helped a bit...If it did not, please complain!! JK...Happy writing!

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I'll admit, script format is easier to understand. But I think it should only be used in duels. Outside of duels you should use the other format to describe the surroundings and actions of the characters. You're tutorial isn't completely accurate and I'm sorry to say so. I'll admit again, saying 'said' all the time is bad but if you put 'replied' or 'shouted' or 'implied' or anything like that along with using other synonyms for speaking a word, you'd do fine.

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You never want to do script-format for fan-fiction. Ever.

You write it as a story, not as a play.

Probably the best fan-fiction I have ever seen is here:


That format is what fan-fiction should be in, I know that the majority of people who read fan-fictions want to read a fan-fiction with:

A) Proper grammar and spelling

B) Paragraph (or "story") format

C) No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus

D) All original characters acting canon(Like in the original show/book/movie/etc), and not out of character.

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You never want to do script-format for fan-fiction. Ever.

You write it as a story' date=' not as a play.

Probably the best fan-fiction I have ever seen is here:


That format is what fan-fiction should be in, I know that the majority of people who read fan-fictions want to read a fan-fiction with:

A) Proper grammar and spelling

B) Paragraph (or "story") format

C) No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus

D) All original characters acting canon(Like in the original show/book/movie/etc), and not out of character.



No, not never. If the fanfic is based off of something incredibly verbal, like Yugioh, then script format would help dramatically cut down the time consumation. Besides like I said before, script format should only be used in duels. Other than that you're 100% right.

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