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The Staple Card Contest!

Deity Mitsu

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Here we go again! This will be a challenging test for everyone here on YCM I think. Throughout the days on these forums,we've seen great cards and horrible cards(A lot of horrible from those stupid 1 Post Users "GRR") which is why I'm making this contest,and raising the stakes. In this contest,you will be trying to bring out the best in your Card Making abilities! Your job is to create a staple card. A card that would work in any Deck. A card that would never sit in your construction kits, and remain in your most prized and strategic Deck! Do your best my fellow Card Makers, and show us some great new cards!



1st-3 Reps and 50 Points

2nd-2 Reps and 30 Points

3rd-1 Rep and 20 Points

Runner-Up-10 Points



-The card(s) must have VERY good images(Not too realistic,not too...err...well,just make it look good).

-The card(s) must be VERY well balanced(Not overpowered,not underpowered. Perfect for any Deck).

-If I find cards that already have images that Ive seen before,they will still be evaluated as equally as the others.

-No excessive language on the card.

-No pornographic images.

-If you can make as many cards as you want. If you can come up with more then 1 staple, I will be awarding extra(I believe I judge fairly and accurately. If you think I've taken a card for granted, PM me in a respectful manner,and I will try to resolve the issue as best as I can).


UN-OFFICIAL DEADLINE:Aug.25,2007-Time still undisclosed

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Alright! Here's my entry:




Hope it makes the cut! :D


EDIT - Meh, I'm gonna go ahead and throw my 2nd and last entry. Just in case. Oh, and if you don't like the original card I entered, does my second card not have a chance? Well, either way, here it is:



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Great' date='we've already got a decent amount for entries! But I want more! Tell your friends, tell people you see online, just get them to participate, I want this to be HUGE.


If you want more entries, try posting it in the main Academy thread. I'm sure some members of CMA would join.

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heres my card..hope you like it..sorry i couldnt make it big just click on it cardjokersf3.th.jpg

If any1 to0 lazy to click on it it says: Discard 1 card then draw 2 cards basically. it will probably be limited to 1 but its like a destiny draw but you can use it in any deck.

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Derekwhale2007-1st one is gorgeous work buddy.The 2nd one-Picture of Ed Elric from Full Metal Alchemist(Anime) and hes got half of the same effect at the 1st.3rd one-Some grammar issues,and a monster can never attack while in Defense Position.What would work better is this :

If this monster is attacked while in Attack Position,switch it to Defense Position. Every time this card destroys a monster in battle, increase this cards ATK by 500. When this card is destroyed by a Spell Card, add it to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.


New Era-Name=Wicked,Image=Wicked but the effect is sort of bland. There are many cards that have this sort of effect. Try giving it an effect that you've never seen before. Something new that would help out all decks.

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