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water beatdown?


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3x posion draw frogs

1x treeborn frogs

3x Gogiga Gagagigo

3x spiral sea serpent

3x Gagagigo

3x Giga Gagagigo

3x Frostosaurus

1x cyber dragon




3x Non-Spellcasting Area

3x Big Wave Small Wave

1x heavy storm

3x legandary ocean

1x monster reborn

3x Symbols of Duty

1x mst



1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

3x skill drain

3x birthright

this is for fun fixes and comments welcomed

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-Treeborn frog (you have 9 continuous cards)

-Giant trunade


+2 Trade-in


Also, if you can make room for it, it wouldn't hurt to run warrior of atlantis and legandary ocean to make giga gagagigo free of tribute, but I see you're trying to keep it vanilla.

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