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Gadget Oppression


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Monsters: 16


|2| Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

|2| Banisher of the Radiance

|2| Green Gadget

|2| Red Gadget

|2| Yellow Gadget

|1| Drillroid

|1| Marshmallon

|1| Spirit Reaper

|1| Snipe Hunter

|1| Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Spells: 12


|1| Mystical Space Typhoon

|1| Heavy Storm

|2| Lightning Vortex

|2| Shrink

|2| Enemy Controller

|2| Hammer Shot

|1| Fissure

|1| Smashing Ground


Traps: 14


|1| Torrential Tribute

|1| Mirror Force

|1| Trap Dustshoot

|3| Royal Oppression

|3| Solemn Judgement

|2| Dimensional Prison

|3| Bottomless Trap Hole


I have been trying to make a competitive gadget or ancient gear deck i guess this works. Just made it never made gadgets help would be nice.

also trying to make it anti meta.

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