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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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why don't you guys just have one big gaming war? just do the research and find out all the gaming companies as possible. after that just pick the best games and have them fight. Just having Nintendo, Sega and Konami doesn't give you much. Why not add in people like Ike, Cheif (from Halo) or Grim Jr (from a game sharing the same title)? Or better yet just have any game character you can think of and put them on a team.

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dude tha'ts my plot quite

?????: Computer activate the SHODAN program

Computer: program activated SHODAN System taking control

?????: SHODAN i want you to scan this planet and try to assimilate us a base for the invasion fleet can come down safely. Understand.

SHODAN: Confirmed setting probe launch

?????: Cortana,

Cortana: Yes

?????:Get the invasion fleet after SHODAN conformed the site...

Cortana:ok but you know that i don't like that computer program, shes two glitchey.

?????: i know just get the fleet ready.

Cortana:yes master.

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Ok. lets see, how to start off:


*Somewhere in Green Greens, Kirby is fast asleep after a long and hard battle against tails and Knuckles*


Kirby:zzz...quick captain faclon...i need to...zzz...spam with the Falcon Paunch...zzz...


*Kirby Suddenly wakes up, after hearing a strange ruslling noise*


Kirby: Falcon PAUNCH...oh wait, i don't have his ability anymore...


*Ends up hitting the large tree (You know, that tree in the background of the Green Greens stage) with a standerd punch*


Kirby: OW! oh, sorry tree. I'm still anxious after that fight against tails and that knuckle head...why am i even talking to a tree anyway?

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