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"Rise of Flame" Expansion


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[align=center]R I S E O F F L A M E



A YCM Expansion by Sevorem[/align]


Hey folks, I'd like to introduce myself. The name's Sevorem, and I'm a fan of making custom-made Yugioh cards. Fan enough that I searched for a place where I can share my ideas and custom-made cards. Looks like I found myself a spot!


This will be my first expansion to share with you guys. The "Rise of Flame" expansion consists of heavy Fire monster cards and Magic slash Trap cards that aid them in the heat of battle. New monsters, new effects, new ways to melt the opposition!


I create the cards, giving my fellow forum'ers to throw comments, ratings and suggestions my way so that I can eliminate flaws. I will be releasing 5 new cards in bursts over time, eventually reaching my goal of 50 custom-made cards to complete the "Rise of Flame" expansion.


Current Card Count . . . . 15 Cards

Expansion's Goal . . . . . . 50 Cards


001 Tharos the Fire Summoner

002 Hellfire Drake Varos

003 Hellfire Drake Somnus

004 Xethor the Hellfire Champion

005 Elementia, Queen of the Elements

006 Evoke the Fire Within

007 Overpowering Flames

008 Erupting Volcano

009 Dance of the Flame

010 Pyro Girl #1

011 Pyro Girl #2

012 Volcano Miner

013 Gaiyagan the Groundbreaker

014 Failing Grounds

015 Guardian of the Flame Fortress

016 Stare Down

017 Burst of Fire

018 Heated Destroyer Droid

019 The Fallen's Gift

020 Studying the Unknown


Here's the first 5!











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Well you have great artwork... but the cards are slightly overpowered and all seem to rely on the same 2 cards. If those are going to be part of your set you're gonna need to create some weaker cards to balance it out. I'd give you 7/10. But you have great potential, and seeing as you're new you did a fantastic job!

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Hey Bromlee. Thanks for the comments and advice. I knew somebody would say something about the overpowered-ness of the cards displayed so far. I made it so that all the 'overpowered' cards of the expansion are displayed first, going in the order from most rare to least rare. I assure you I have less overpowered and less rare cards coming soon!


Well, here's the next 5! Enjoy!











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