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gadget synchro?

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me and my mate were dueling and then we sorta got into the dicussion about how only duelist with money win tournies so we were looking at budget builds we could make and i came up with this, and ol yer ( i know synchros are sorta expensive but since their so easy to get their hands on i have only added stardust and red dragon archfiend because they come in tins, and iv added goy coz i can ) so this is what i came up with tell me what you think XD


18| Monsters


1| Cyber Dragon


2| Green Gadget

2| Yellow Gadget

2| Red Gadget

1| Card Trooper

3| Giant Rat

3| Quillbolt Hedgehog

1| Sangan

2| Psycho Commander

1| Exiled Force


10| Spells


1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Shrink

1| Instant Fusion

1| Pot Of Avarice

1| Lightning Vortex

1| Brain Control


13| Traps


3| Divine Wraft

2| Limit Reverse

3| Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

2| Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

3| Bottomless Trap Hole or Dust Torrnado


6| Extra Deck


1| Charubin the Fire Knight

1| Reaper on nightmare

1| Stardust Dragon

1| Red Dragon Archfiend

1| Goyo Guardian

1| Magical Andriod

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