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GGGG (Good Game GRAPEFRUIT Gadgets ^^)


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Monsters: 18

3 Pwn zaloog

2 Red gadget

2 Green gadget

2 Yellow gadget

2 Elemental hero wildheart

2 D.D. Assailant (or exiled force?)

1 Elemental hero stratos

1 D.D. Warrior lady

1 Neo-spacian grand mole

1 Breaker teh magical pwner

1 Snipe hunter


Spells: 12

3 Reinforcement of the army

2 Shrink

2 Lightning vortex

1 Heavy storm

1 Mystical space typhoon

1 Smashing ground

1 Fissure

1 Mystical space typhoon


Traps: 10

3 Solemn judgment

3 Royal oppression

2 Bottomless trap hole

1 Mirror force

1 Torrential tribute


Rate/Fix/Burn/Destroy/Flame/Praise/Use/Abuse (pick one or as many as you see fit)

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While shrink is obviously great for the deck, I'm still not a great fan because it is rather situational in that it requires a face up monster to function, and isn't as useful at dealing with a DaD than a bottomless trap hole for example, though on the other hand helps kill stardust and triggers Pwn's effect. I'll consider it. I would use Pachy if I can get one, opinions on 2 cyber valleys?

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