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ben kei on speed <,<

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I've always wanted a ben kei otk that was fairly fast to the kill, i decided instead of going with the slow way i was before (with stall and search) i went straight up draw power, now though i don't consider YVD a conclusive test of a decks abilities i still think there may be a few problems with it. the deck seems pretty much right from what i can see every card pulls its weight but I'm not sure if i have to many of any one card. so here is ben kei on speed <,<


3 armed samurai ben-kei

3 DH - dogma

3 DH - dreadmaster

3 DH - plasma


3 shooting star bow ceal

3 mage power

3 axe of despare

3 allure of darkness

3 trade in

3 destiny draw

3 upstart goblin

1 giant trunade

1 heavy storm


3 solemn judgment

2 reckless greed

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-2 reckless greed

+2 Hand Destruction


a decent idea' date=' but when i test it out often i find myself discarding cards a may need later, im not to sure if its right, in addition i dont think two HD solve my problem with the deck.


Needs Rota


might be a decent idea, but what should i replace? usually i draw into a ben kei within the first two turns, some times i have to many keis in my hand (nice thing that he is allureable)


Needs Marauding.


... marauding would be not only useless but a waist of space, he wouldent even go in here if i decided to run united (which im not going to because united is not good for the combo) thanks for the comment but marauding is not needed here.

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