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Deck Idea (dragon/machine)


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even with the limiting of cyber dragon

could i still make a decent deck from different types of fusion cards, dna surgery (with super polymeration) chimartech overdragon, five-headed dragon, blue eyes ultimate, scapegoat (for fusion material with dna surgery) and if so what other kinds of cards would i need?

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Cyber Dragon's limiting has made its use somewhat limited. The Fusions have an unreliable strategy outside of Cyber Dragon. Chimeratech is pretty much dead with Cyber Dragon, Reasoning and Monster Gate all Limited.


For a Machine/Dragon hybrid Deck, a Cyberdark Deck would be your best option but the limiting of Overload Fusion makes a good, cheap one difficult.

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Don't use super poly; use Fusion Gate (?I think it's the best >.>)

Terraforming-able, reusable, removes from play (RFTDD)

I don't think dragon/machine would be possible, unless it's like Black Bomber / Debris Dragon stuff. Those aren't even out in OCG yet, so only a DMU thing...

but low attack dark machines that can be recursed by the before mentioned for quick synchro summons, that's all I can think of

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DNA Surgery would need protecting as well. Solemn Judgment for example. Im telling you, it seems like a very inconsistent strategy. You also need to worry about potential dead hands from additional Super Polymerization. Besides, there is a better strategy for the Chimeratech archetype called Chimeratech Fortress Dragon which is basically built in Super Poly but better. No discard cost. Unfortuneately it only exists in the OCG.

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Super Polymerization is horribly situational. It belongs in the Side Deck at best.


how is it situational with dna transplant' date=' to mak everything on the field either dragon or machine, and summon chimmeratech overdragon or five headed dragon



A three-card combo involving a Limited card is extremely situational, especially when none of the combo's components are searchable.

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