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so close. I thought it was going to qualify... since you cant enter again i might as well tell you what you did so you learn. the cards description should`ve said: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by decreasing your life points by half and returning all cards in your hand to your deck. If this card is successfully Special Summoned, destroy all cards on the field. (and because it destroys all cards on the field, it also destroys itself. leading to its other effects ahead, useless) I hope I helped ;) no hard feelings.. ok for me anyway, I hate disqualifying people :sad: Diety Metsu, I`m sorry but you also did not qualify... have good luck next time :sad:

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Here's mine. He's PURTY.



Here's the Effect:


When this monster is Tribute Summoned successfully, flip all of your opponent's monsters into face-down defense position. When this card destroys a face-down defense position monster, your opponent takes battle damage equal to that of the destroyed monster's defense. Flip effects are not activated.

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Here's mine. He's PURTY.



Here's the Effect:


When this monster is Tribute Summoned successfully' date=' flip all of your opponent's monsters into face-down defense position. When this card destroys a face-down defense position monster, your opponent takes battle damage equal to that of the destroyed monster's defense. Flip effects are not activated.

[/quote']you have been qualified. i am now going to give the ultimate tip... if you make your card like 1 sentence of an effect, theres a huge chance it`ll be correct lol, why didnt anyone think of that? ;)

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