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Moneypony's Mega Shop of Card Upgrade(SELLS REALISTIC DARK SYNCHRO RECOLORS!)


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have you always wanted cooler cards but can't make one?then this is the right place!

what i sell:

[spoiler=recolors and realistic gold versions]


[b]recolor or gold version?:[/b]
[b]if recolor,what color?:[/b]
[b]if gold then what to gold?outside border,inside border,sticker?:[/b]



your card might not end up like this,only better or the same.





[spoiler=Dark Synchros]

please,if your going to say "OMC,who would want to buy these?Chaotix®'s are way better",then don't even post here

please read this cards effect for an idea on how yours should be


[b]same level? or new one?:[/b]

unlike angus's store,it doesn't need to be a synchro for me to make it ^_^.


the example is old and i got newer more better stars.








[b]existing sub-type?:[/b]
[b]Custom sub-type?:[/b]








recolor=1 point,2 for 1 point if your a rank 6!

gold=1 point,if you buy border and sticker it's still 1 ^_^,2 for 1 point if your rank 6!

dark synchro=1,if it becomes popular then it may increase or decrease.if increases,it stays the same for rank 6!

sub-type:1 point,2 for 1 points for rank 6!



[spoiler=OTHERS(no examples yet,but you can still buy them):]


pokemon recolor=free

custom pallet=3 points per bar of color,2,point for rank 6 customers!

render=depends on size,discounted price for rank 6 customers!

holo=i can do holo and maybe advance holo but you must provide holo sheet,no stealing from ASHJE!

tokens=free but theres already a tut for this.




1.no flammingX/stealing*

2.no working unless i say so*

3.say thanks via PM as that will be how your order is sent.*

4.no discussion!

5.no requesting when wating list is full(i will type full in big red text when it is)*

X=ban from store

*=warned to remove or give points or else neg.

!=neg,discuss via PM if you want to complain


thanks for reading,happy ordering,remember,i will accept workers if this store becomes popular.

your orders are sent via PM and i will start working on it the instant i get on

[spoiler=waiting list]











this is a first post first serve basis if you don't like to wait i can bump your order up one slot for 2 points,(i.e your 10th but you want your order fast,you can pay 18 points and you will be at the top of the waiting list and i will post-pone the previous #1's order.



[spoiler=current orders]

have you acccidently deleted an Pm and forgot the code but don't want to pay for another one?Pm me and i will gladly re-make it for free.


page1,post #2,a black recolor and gold everything.




page1,post#5,a dark synchro and render




page1,post#7,a dark synchro recolor




page1,post#8,a deep red recolor and gold sticker





[spoiler=member ranks(get things for shopping!)]

rank 1 member:0-3 orders:none,obviously because i don't want to give a free things to everyone in YCM.

rank 2 customer:4-8 orders,one free card upgrade,recolor,gold,sub-types,dark synchros or all for free!

rank 3 Friendly customer:9-14 orders 2 free card upgrades!

rank 4 Active customer:15-20 orders 2 free card upgrades and 2 free "other" item!

rank 5 Elite customer:21-25 orders:3 free card upgrades,2 free "other" item,and the ability to buy my new products for free before they are released!

rank 6 Legendary customer 25-35 orders:4 free card upgrades,3 free "other" items,and price cuts exclusively to these people!

rank 7 OMC customer:36-45 orders:5 free card upgrades,4 free "other items,access to choose a free thing whenever you order!

rank 8 Super-Mega-Pwnsome-Awesome customer:46-65 orders:7 free card upgrades,6 free "other" stuff,2 free "when you order" objects per order, and +2 reps!

rank 9 Godly customer:66-80 orders:10 free card upgrades,10 free "other" stuff,3 free "when you order" objects per order,+1 more rep,and exclusive items only available for other rank9 customers!

rank 10 ??? customer:81-100 orders:15 free card upgrades,15 free "other" stuff,5 free "when you order" objects per order,+2 more rep,even more exclusive items,ability to work here,order log upgrade(font colors,etc.),and free adverts to your store and other interesting threads you have(up to 5)!

rank 11 ?!@#$%* customer:101+ orders:unlimited free card upgrades,20 free "other" stuff,7 free "when you order" objects per order,+1 more rep,better exclusive items,unlimited adverts to your shop and other of your interesting threads,and much much more!

.:*of course free items count but they count as only one per order post but you shouldn't seperate them to get more order count,these effects stack so i.e,2 free upgrade,*next rank*,3 free card upgrade,you get 5 free card upgrade if you didn't use it up*:.



[spoiler=optional things when you order,for rank 7+ only!]

  1. splices
  2. pokemon recolor
  3. (EXPERIMENTAL)non-pokemon image recolors
  4. my version of a "member" card,not the trading ones!please see this thread for form and more information

more coming soon!



[spoiler=exclusive products for rank 9-11]

none so far =(




for 3 points per week,PM me your banner you want displayed and what thread to link it to.


and it would be greatly appriciated if someone gave me a free good holo sheet for me to use for even more upgrade,

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OMC! I think your Dark Synchro recolors are actually better! But I want a normal recolor please :P How much would it cost?


card: 2cxx1sz.jpg

recolor or gold version?: recolor and gold! (is that possible?)

if recolor,what color?: black

if gold then what to gold?outside border,inside border,sticker?: all

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ok,your order is being made(may take long),and i won't charge you for render because

1.your my friend and gave my first rep.

2.you always PMed things for rendering and i don't charge you so i don't see why i should charge for this,although the dark synchro will cost since they take long.

and i noticed a slight problem with your card,is there a reason for it to be fiend in your extra deck?

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