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My Pokemon Cards (new card posted)

Flame Dragon

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the new ones are really cute/cool (i mean their pics) they are good cards, but delibird's effect should read... Once per turn select one player and flip a coin if heads increase that players life points by 400, if tails decrease selected players life points by 800 (and if the coin balances on it's edge then the selected player wins the match(kidding about that part))... or something like that

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1) they all should be hirer attk and def

2a) mew should be ritual by puting cown something like good pokemon tranier soul and 2b) mew should be the strongest.

I made it so you know what I'm talking about


1) True but than they will all be over powered

2a) Just why

2b) Mew didn't even make all pokemon Arceus came first, let alone has the highest ATK

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