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Wow, this is hilarious.


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The fact that we can lock the thread doesn't give us the Final Say' date=' well physically yes, but its also stated in the Rules.


And really, your just prooving your ban in the right, your failing to use the PM System.



PM's are slow, and no one ever responds fast enough.


Besides, why leave out everyone else?


I believe this is a conversation that should be shared with everyone on the site.

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The fact that we can lock the thread doesn't give us the Final Say' date=' well physically yes, but its also stated in the Rules.


And really, your just prooving your ban in the right, your failing to use the PM System.



PM's are slow, and no one ever responds fast enough.


Besides, why leave out everyone else?


I believe this is a conversation that should be shared with everyone on the site.


Then make it lean towards a conversation, and not just a flat out, "your wrong and there isn't anything you can do to suggest otherwise" format.

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Guest PikaPerson01



I got warned on this topic!? Oh wells. It'll go down in like... a week, and I assume I don't like... have any major damage or w/e.


So... let's make this post relevant or something. Obviously the staff doesn't share the same views of "this should be shared with everyone", so don't ya think that you should probably oblige, instead of making a huge spectacle of the whole thing?

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I haven't really stated sexism as my throwing out.


It certainly seemed so in your previous post:


4. Because critically assessing something and thinking independently are negative attributes for an administration, right? Since when has thinking been a sin? OH WAIT, in this patriarchal society, it's illegal for women to think and express their ideas! Woe is me for forgetting my place! I'll be in the kitchen fixing you a sandwich!


I have no idea where racism came in, but I do admit to the swearing and personal comments.


In your post regarding communism, you used a racist word to describe Chinese people.


Was I warned? I think so, maybe, but no one ever came to me, and told me I needed to get my act "in line."


Tkill tried, but before I even got the message I'd already been kicked.


To clarify what happened, Tkill came to me asking for you to be BANNED, I told him to warn you, but then after seeing your post regarding communism I ultimately agreed with him that you should be demoted.


Flaming, on the other hand, I still will no admit to, because I do not believe I ever flamed anyone.


Flaming is a bit of a vague word which can be left to interpret. I was referring to your intense personal comments when I used that word.


These types of posts are not making any sort of positive contribution to the forum, so this and anymore like it will be locked. As already stated, feel free to PM me to deal with this issue.


I believe this is a conversation that should be shared with everyone on the site.


Well you don't get to decide, do you?


Obviously the staff doesn't share the same views of "this should be shared with everyone", so don't ya think that you should probably oblige, instead of making a huge spectacle of the whole thing?





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This shows a lot of things' date=' but the most interesting aspect is that that thread was shut down faster than most spam threads in General.


Originally I was only going to pick at Raven, the one who locked the thread.


To make things clear: the ability to make some twelve-year-old cry lies within everyone. Just because you, Raven, can make some kids cry, doesn't mean you're good at your job. As a matter of fact, that just makes you a bully. If you can't, or choose not to (because you feel like you don't need to), logically defend your actions, then you are not worthy of holding those privileges and responsibilities.


As for J-Max: I'm quite surprised that you, Master jabronifit, called one out on me. Of course, being the type person that I expect you to be, this is all in line. Let me assure you that critically assessing the effectiveness of the staff team in a logical and concise manner is not throwing a jabronifit. What you did, on the other hand, on numerous occasions that I will not discuss here, were legitimate jabronifits.


TKill: Get rid of the "lulz serial business!11!" attitude. If you aren't going to be serious about your responsibilities, then get off of the staff team, seriously.


DJ: You are a staff member, you can make changes. Do it.




No I'm not going to "fall into denial", thanks for your review.

About the fact why your thread got locked faster than others, please do note that I live in a different timezone and the reason why your thread was locked so fast is because I logged in at that moment. If you haven't noticed there are moments in which I can be online and moments in which I'm busy with something called life.

Secondly you misinterpreted the rumour about the fact that I would make small children cry. There is a difference between walking over to kiddies and throwing nasty things at them and hearing some of them whining because they can't accept a warning.



Raven is way too nit-picky and tries too hard.


Well since I can't be here all the time I at least have to "be nit-picky and try hard" as you call it when I get online.



Umm... Raven really doesn't care.


Again' date=' real life comes at first place so obviously I do care more about what happens in real life, yes.



To sum it up:

Look getting mad at people for thier natural flaws that they are bound to have as a human beings, please remember that this is the internet and nothing more. Life will go on :)



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Indeed i can make changes, but my personal life has twisted and turned in various directions the past 2 months, from relationship brake up to getting a full time job, to possibly losing my job to family mishaps, i am starting now to return to the forums, from next week onwards i will be active again, and will start making changes.

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