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My New Deck 53 cards


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here's my new deck i fixed up my o;d one and got a few new cards


normal tribute cards

Blue eyes white dragon x3


normal cards

Elemental hero clayman

Elemental hero burstinrix

Elemental hero avian

sea serpent warrior of darkness


Fusion cards

blue eyes ultimate dragon

Elemental hero wild wingman

Elemental hero Wildedge


effect tribute monsters

Elemental hero bladedge

destiny hero dasher

swift gaia the fierce knight


4 star or lower effect monsters

enraged battle ox

giant orc

gearfried the iron knight

gaia soul the combustible collective

dragon manipulator

hayabusa knight

man-eater bug

jirai gumo

shadowknight archfeind

zombyra the dark


spell cards

H-heated heart

monster reborn

heavy storm


snatch steal

premature burial


instant fusion

meteor of destruction

fariy meteor crush

the shallow grave


tribute to the doomed


swords of revealing light

card destruction


dark hole

dust barrier

level limit-area B


trap cards

trap hole

magic jammer

sakuretsu armor

draining shield

curse of aging

ultimate offer


a hero emerges

torrential tribute


Raigeki break

jar of greed



Tell me what kind of cards i should add or if its good ok or bad

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