Kocrow17 Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 Welcome to the YCM card of the week. Each week, I will choose 1 custom card I find and (With the creator’s permission) give feedback on the card and its creator. I hope you all enjoy it. Article 1: Duel Hare / August 20th 2007 Direct Link/Original Thread For my first installment, I’ve decided to choose Duel Hare, a creation by Deity Mitsu. Its effect is a step above Man-Eater Bug's. When it’s flipped face-up by battle, the attacking monster is destroyed. Not only that, but its effect is recyclable as it can flip itself face-down like so many of the cards from Phaoronic Guardian. The constant ability to reuse its effect makes it more of a nuisance that Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. There are many possible card combos with this card. The first thing noticed is that it’s searchable through Sangan and Giant Rat. Use your Giant Rat to Special Summon it, then flip it face-down. Knowing Duel Hare’s effect only triggers when attacked, your opponent will be too hesitant to make a move. However, the BEST card to use with this card is Book of Moon. Say your opponent has 2 monsters on the field, if he attacks with one, knowing it will be destroyed by Duel Hare, he can then use his second monster to rid the field of the now defenseless rabbit. But, if you have Book of Moon, you can flip Duel Hare back face-down when it's attacked. It’ll be instantly flipped back face-up, destroy the attacking monster, and live to bury itself face-down next turn. You could also use The Shallow Grave to Special Summon a Duel Hare from your Graveyard face-down, but this is not recommended as your opponent also gets back a monster. Overall, this card was made amazingly well. If it was real, a definite staple in every deck. Of coarse, this means the card would most likely be limited. With its great effect and wonderful picture, I give this card an 9/10 and am very much looking forward to seeing more of Deity Mitsu’s work.RULING: LIMITEDRATING: 9/10 Article 2: Cyber Hero Evolution / August 22nd 2007Direct Link Here we are at the second installment of YCM Card of the Week. Today I am looking at another Monster Card, this one created by Derekwhale2007. It may be a 2300 ATK 4 Star monster that can attack twice in a row, but it can’t attack until your opponent makes a move first. Does this balance the card? Yes, but a little too well. When you summon this monster, you rely on your opponent completely to attack so you can use Cyber Hero’s effect. So your opponent won’t attack until he/she can destroy it. However, this card has subtle defenses. It’s lower DEF protects it from Smashing Ground and the higher ATK providing some protection against Fissure. If your opponent attacks with a strong enough monster to destroy Cyber Hero, you could use either: Shrink, to have the ATK of the attacking monster, or Dark Spirit of the Silent to switch the attacking monster with another. The biggest threat I see with this card is Limiter Removal. You get to double its ATK (making it 4600) and attack twice (dealing 9200 damage). Even if your opponent has a monster, that can be an OTK (One Turn Kill). This simple 2 card OTK gets this card banned. The design of this card is good, but it relies to much on the opponent to be worth using aside from the OTK potential in it. However, the idea of monsters not being able to attack until your opponent attacks is a unique idea. RULING: BANNEDRATING: 5/10 Article 3: Generosity / August 26th 2007 Direct Link/Original Thread Here is my third review. This time I’m going for a Spell Card and today’s creator is Giga Bowser X with his card, Generosity. This card lets you take 1 Equip Card on the field, and equip it to an opponent’s monster. In exchange by giving your opponent the card, you get 2000 Life Points. This may sound like a bad deal, but it doesn’t say you have to give up a GOOD equip card. The first and best choice to use with Generosity is Snatch Steal. You take one of your opponent’s monsters, then if you opponent use Call of the Haunted or Return from the Different Dimension to bring out a stronger monsters, you can switch for the best choice possible. There is also the rare chance your opponent will use Shift on you, and you want to make sure you get the best choice possible. Those of you who play in Advance Format will only have up to September 1st to use Snatch Steal. The next best card to use with Generosity is Megamorph. Once your Life Points have become higher than your opponent’s, the ATK of the equipped monster will be halved. So, use Generosity to give the equip card to an opponent’s monster and increase you Life Points by 2000 to ensure your Life Points drop lower than your opponents. Another scenario is when you just attacked you pponent directly using Shooting Star Bow - Ceal. After you've attacked direct, use Generosity to weaken an opponent's monster. With 1000 less ATK, it won't make a dent in your now 2000+ Life Points. I also see Generosity working with Flint and Flint Lock. This card would make a very good addition to the game. Believe it or not, it is one of the most realistic cards I’ve seen on this site. I could see opening a booster pack and finding this card. However, due to the situational nature of it, and it forcing you to lose a card (-1), I couldn't see this card ever hitting competitive play. RULING: UNLIMITED RATING: 8/10 Article 4: Zombie Warrior Wa-Mu / August 28 2007 Direct Link/Original Thread This fourth look at a card is a special one. This time I’m talking about a card created by the Card Maker Academy. In fact, is was the first card created by the academy members. When this monster destroys another by battle, you can reduce the damage it inflicts to 0. If you do, it can attack again in a row. When making this card, the members had to be careful on balancing it. Ruin, Queen of Oblivion has the same “attack once again in a row” effect and it’s a Ritual Monster, a card much more difficult to bring out. So, to balance out Wa-Mu, you can’t inflict battle damage in order to have it keep attacking and almost all alternate means of summoning it were eliminated. With its high DEF, it can’t be Special Summoned by Pyramid Turtle, a horribly abused search engine in my opinion, and its high level takes it out of Zombie Master's reach. The best strategy with this card is to discard it for the cost of Zombie Master's effect and Special Summon it with Il Blud or Book of Life. To always make sure Wa-Mu inflicts battle damage, because he can’t attack again unless you reduce that damage to 0, a Wa-Mu deck should include Final Attack Orders. This way, Wa-Mu can clear your opponent’s field and get in a direct attack at the end, leaving the way open for Zombie Master, Pyramid Turtle, Il Blud, Ryu Kokki, Vampire Lord, or any other zombie you run with him. This strategy will also help clear goat tokens on the field. The Academy couldn’t have made a better card to debut their skills. I encourage anyone who reads this to check out their gallery (there is a link below the above card image) and to watch for more cards from them. Though this card is wonderful, it could only find a good home in a Zombie deck, which keeps it off the ban list. RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 9/10 Article 5: What’s Your Card? / September 11th 2007Direct Link/Original Thread Wow, it’s been a while. Sorry for taking so long to update, but here it is, our fifth card. This card was created by Alordzynix(or ALZ for short). The card is called “What’s Your Card” and with its effect relying completely on luck, it seems to be a card Joey Wheeler would use. There is only a 1 in 3 chance that you’ll get this right and there is no way to change these odds. So, what should you do? Pick your best cards in case you get them added to your hand? Choose bad cards since it’s most likely you’ll discard them? Closer to the second option really, you want to choose cards that do well in your Graveyard... as well as in your hand. The card that instantly pops into my mind is Treeborn Frog. You can also combatant this loss by sending Elemental Hero Stratos or D.D. Warrior Lady to the graveyard and add them back to your hand with The Warrior Returning Alive(Stratos will give you a +1). If you end up sending 3 monsters to the Graveyard, you could use Pot of Avarice to shuffle them, and 2 other monsters, back into your deck and draw 2 card. As for decks, this card would do EXCELLENT in an Exodia Deck. If you choose right, you get 2 more pieces to your hand. If you choose wrong, just use Contract with Exodia to summon Exodia Necross, or use Dark Factory of Mass Production to get the pieces back. This card will also do fairly well with Destiny Heros. Many D-Heros like Malicious, Disk Commander, and Dasher prefer to be in the Graveyard. If by chance you guess correctly instead, you can send these monsters to the Graveyard via Destiny Draw and draw 2 new cards. Wether in your hand or in the Graveyard, D-Heros are always a good thing to have. Wether you’re gaining cards or losing them, this card is a great deck thinner. The only problem is if you guess wrong you’re losing 2 cards from your hand (this card and the selected one), making this card a -2, compared to guessing right giving you a +1. Outside of an Exodia Deck, I don’t see this card being used often(Unless you're Joey, lol). RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 7/10 Article 6: Dragon of the Light / September 15th 2007Direct Link/Original Thread In this entry we look at a card from a card maker I’ve been trying to get in here for some time now. It is “Dragon of the Light” by Invert Remix (a.k.a. Yami StarTrainer). For being a dragon of the “light”, this monster deals a lot with burn(Solar Flare Dragon, eat your heart out). This monster’s play seems pretty straight forward. Don’t summon him if you have anything valuable on the field and he becomes a 2200 beatstick! This is especially true with a Skill Drain deck. With this much ATK, I think this makes him the strongest 4 Star Dragon. Not to mention this card adds a negative effect to all those Destiny Draw cards running around. Ok, I see this big guy working for 3 different themes. The first, and most obvious, is excessive burn. What kind of cards let your opponent draw a card? Chainsaw Insect... Bistro Butcher... Destiny Hero Defender... Nope, we have to do better than that. A card this good is only worth playing with cards that can use his effect to the fullest. So that’s why the best card to combo is the little robo ninja, Sasuke Samurai #3. He gives Dragon of the Light the power to inflict up to 3500 Damage! Not to mention that Sasuke is easily searched for. Plus, you can double the damage you just inflicted with a handy little Trap Card called Greed. Other “master” draw engines you might want to include are Morphing Jar(a guaranteed 2500 damage), Hiro’s Shadow Scout, Disturbance Strategy, and even Gift of Greed. Some of the best and worst cards your opponent will ever see. Don’t worry about your opponent drawing too many cards, just throw in a few Heavy Slumps and/or Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja to kick him while he’s down. The second deck type I see this card working in is with “LV” monsters due to the instant guaranteed 1000 damage a card like Level Modulation can inflict and you get a Special Summon. The final deck is a simple dragon deck. Dragon of the Light can clear the field with Burst Breath, or inflict major damage with Dragon’s Rage. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to combine the last two deck types I suggested since Armed Dragon and Horus the Black Flame Dragon are both “LV” and Dragon monsters. Overall, this is a great card. It may not be splashable in any deck, but it makes Solar Flare Dragon look like a stress-relief candle. RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 8/10 Article 7: Judgement of the Fiends / September 22th 2007Direct Link/Original Thread Well it looks like I still won’t be able to get a Trap Card in here. Until I do, here is another amazing card called, Judgement of the Fiends. Send all praise to OldMaster for making this unique and powerful card. This adds Fiend support to all those fiend deck-types like Dark World and Archfiend. The unique thing about this card’s cost is that it “destroys” a monster, rather than “tributes” it. There are a large number of cards (too many to list) that benefit from being destroyed that you could use. Ok, before going into the more effect-oriented monsters, let’s look at an old favourite. The best Normal Monster for Judgement of the Fiends is Summoned Skull. A nice 2500 ATK beatstick. Now, onto the effects, can you tell me the name of Summoned Skull’s twin effect monster? It’s Skull Archfiend of Lightning. This big guy has a great effect and also fits with the Archfiend deck type. Other useful Archfiends that can be summoned are: Terrorking Archfiend and Mist Archfiend. Even though there are multiple Dark World monsters that could work with this card, this card doesn’t fit the Dark World theme and so shouldn’t be used with it. Another favourite fiend is Snipe Hunter. Though this guy is already searchable, he makes a great choice if he is still sitting in your deck. Now that we looked at the great monsters you can Special Summon, let’s here are a few cards that can help keep Judgement of the Fiends on the field: Magic Reflector, Curse fo Royal, and Solemn Judgement. The best choice would be Solemn Judgement as it can be used to defend against a variety of cards. If you’re opponent is running Mobius the Frost Monarch, you could also use Pulling the Rug as a good defense tool as well. Though this card lacks speed, it can give you that one card you need when you need it most. But because of its slow nature and Fiend-Type specifications, it would unlikely see competitive play. RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 6/10 Article 8: Anael, the Mermaid Knight / October 1st 2007Direct Link/Original Thread Ok, here we go with article #8. This weeks creator is Elsandero. His card is the oh so adorable, Anael the Mermaid Knight. Before I begin, I would like to point out a small error. The line that reads: “This card can only be Normal Summoned when “A Legendary Ocean” is face-up on the field.” should say: “This card can only be Normal Summoned when “Umi” is face-up on the field.” since A Legendary Ocean’s name is treated as “Umi”. And it is thanks to A Legendary Ocean that she can be Tribute Summoned with only 1 Tribute. Ok, with A Legendary Ocean raising her ATK to 2700, Anael has GREAT searcher potential. First off, in order to get Anael inflicting lots-o-damage, combo her with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal, Fairy Meteor Crush, or Shrink. Now, with her ATK up to 2700 the WATER monster that has the highest ATK she can search for is, well... herself. If you think you can pull it off, feel free to get a second Anael on the field. But the best combo is to use her effect with A Legendary Ocean. Once you attack direct with Anael, search out Giga Gagagigo, and with A Legendary Ocean on the field, he is treated as a 4 Star monster with 2450 ATK! I can’t think of a better 4 Star beatstick that is better to use. If Anael only inflicts a small amount of damage, don’t worry. There are some very good low ATK WATER monsters to search for; Treeborn Frog, Yomi Ship, and Crystal Seer. When it comes right down to it, Monarchs will be chosen over this card each time. Anael may give constant advantage for as long as she is on the field, but the Monarchs require 1 less Tribute and give instant advantage. I really like this card, but she would not see highly competitive play. I do, however, see potential for there to be an amazing deck built around her. I would love opening a booster pack and finding this card, but of coarse, her cleavage will be gone. XD RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 8/10 Article 9: Midas Knight / November 17th 2007Direct Link (0.0) Wow, it has been a long time. Over a month actually, lol. Well my attempts to find the perfect Trap Card for Card of the Week was failing so this week I’m reviewing a card of my own. Don’t worry, I won’t be making a habit of this. This card isn’t my best work, but it has a unique effect that I think could take part in some interesting combos. When this Trap Card is destroyed, it becomes a monster, and a new copy of it takes its place in the Spell & Trap Card Zone. So the first and easiest way to destroy this card is Heavy Storm. You can clear your opponent’s back field and get a 1700 beat stick in the process. This card also creates a sort of Monarch-Swarm strategy. It is easily destroyed by Mobius and Granmarg, so you can keep summoning Midas Knights as Tributes for next turn’s Monarchs. Alternatively, tribute a Treeborn Frog you normally would in a Monarch Deck and use your new Midas Knight as some extra muscle. Another card Midas Knight could be abused with is Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. Each time Sacred Phoenix comes back, so would a Midas Knight. Midas Knight also brings yet another way for Magical Hats to shine. With the effect of Magical Hats, set 2 Midas Knights. When the end of the Battle Phase comes around, both Knights will be summoned to the field, if they weren’t already destroyed by battle. Cards that only activate when destroyed by a card effect have never been really popular. Not to mention that Midas Knight is only valuable when played in 3's. But I still like the idea of this cards effect. How its summoned and sends a replacement in your back row. RULING: UNLIMITEDRATING: 7/10 Article 10: Fluctuant Cards / December 12th 2007 For the last COTW, I’ve decided not to just review 1 card, but a 5-card set. They are the “Fluctuant” cards by rholowie. “Fluctuant” is a new sub-type like Spirit, Toon, and Gemini. But what do all these Fluctuant monsters have in common? They have no stars! Their number of stars is determined by the number of cards in your hand (excluding the card itself if it is in your hand). ORIGINAL THREAD Card #1 Peacock QueenThis lovely royal has 3 separate effects based on her level. The first, ranging from levels 1 to 3, lets her attack your opponent directly. Not much of an effect with her low ATK. The second, ranging from levels 4 to 6, is the most common you’ll be using. Her ATK boosts to 1500 and she can’t be destroyed by battle. Both of her first 2 effects allow her to be searched by either Sangan or Mystic Tomato because of her ATK. The best bet would be Special Summoning her with Mystic Tomato, or Normal Summoning her at Level 4. There’s no sense Tribute Summoning for such a low ATK. You might as well forget about her last effect. If you have 7 or more cards in your hand, her ATK becomes 2600. But if you are intent on doing it, the best way would be to Special Summon her at Level 6, and discard Thunder Dragon to grab 2 more copies of it which will boost her to Level 7. You can build your hand with other cards like Reckless Greed and Dark Factory of Mass Production (If running Normal Monsters). Card #2 Tonic of Level SealingA great idea for a support card. Once your card has reached your desired level, equip it with this and don’t feel bad to spend the cards in your hand. If you equip this card to Queen Peacock, try to get her at Level 7 or higher, then use up your hand to either clear your opponent’s field, or lower the Level of a Fluctuant Monster you’re after. If you lose it, Fairy of the Spring can bring it right back to your hand, without losing hand advantage. Card #3 Star Sword GoddessOk, this Goddess’s ATK is determined by her number of stars. Let’s count: 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200. All the numbers are high for their level, but you want to fit in the 1600 - 2800 slot (Levels 4, 5, and 6 ). If she goes higher than Level 6, that’s great, but don’t go out of your way hoarding cards to make her that way. A monarch’s base ATK is 2400 so she should be able to stand up to anything. Make sure to include draw-monsters in your deck, like Dekoichi. You can also search for her if she’s somewhere in the Level 1 to 3 column. Card #4 Shining Emerald Knight Inflicts steady burn, VERY searchable. Special Summon using Flying Kamakiri or Sangan. Also, when you search, don’t just count the cards in your hand, count the number of cards that could be. I may have 5 cards in my hand, but that’ll be down to 4 when I use Reinforcements of the Army to grab Shining Emerald Knight. His effect is pretty basic, inflicts a small amount of burn. Card #5 Blessing of LeoA nice spell card that supports Fluctuant Monsters. It can help you either draw a card, or discard a card. In situation 1, your hand stays the same size. You lose Blessing of Leo, but draw a card. In the second situation, you lose 2 card, Blessing of Leo and the card you discard. But why let throwing away cards stop you from having field advantage? I see this card being a bridge between Fluctuant and Dark Wold cards. Use Card Destruction, you have 1 less card in your hand, and some Dark World monsters on the field to protect you until you get your Fluctuant monsters at the perfect Level. Another good card that works with both is Morphing Jar. You can use it to discard Dark World monsters, and use the 5 cards you draw to your advantage with the Fluctuant Monsters. All in all, this was an amazing set to read. I actually wish I was the one who had come up with the idea. This is the out-of-the-box thinking that I GREATLY enjoy. I strongly recommend you all check out the set. I believe more support has been added since I wrote this article. You'll want to check it out. I want to thank you all for reading my last installment of YCM Card of the Week. Even though this is now over, still continue to create the most wonderful cards you can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NSB Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 That's a freaking awesome card! How cool would it be if that were real! I want one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 Very good idea, GK. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frogger Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 The picture is amazing. The effect is devastating. Big things come in small packages. I like this YCM CotD. But, I think you should also talk about some negatives, although this card has little, but it should still be stated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 That's a freaking awesome card! How cool would it be if that were real! I want one!lol, if you like it so much you should give its creator, Deity Mitsu, a rep for making it. Very good idea, GK. Thanks The picture is amazing. The effect is devastating. Big things come in small packages. I like this YCM CotD. But, I think you should also talk about some negatives, although this card has little, but it should still be stated.If the card had major flaws I would mention them. If say, it was a Beast, a Warrior, or a Spellcaster, then that would have been 1 of the flaws I would have mentioned and its rating would have dropeed below 6/10. But, there's nothing really wrong with this card how it is now(aside from grammar, lol) . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frogger Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 I see...well, anyway, this is a cool thing that you are doing, and keep on doing them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
027982 Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 i like duel hare it's in my opption 9.2 out of 10. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deity Mitsu Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 This is a great idea God Kaze.Thanks for using my card as your first topic!I'm honored!:D Thank you to all that have commented also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 I see...well, anyway, this is a cool thing that you are doing, and keep on doing them! Oh, I will. I was thinking a week was too long to wait, so I might end up updating this thread every 3 to 5 days. i like duel hare it's in my opption 9.2 out of 10. Glad to hear you like it^^. This is a great idea God Kaze.Thanks for using my card as your first topic!I'm honored! Thank you to all that have commented also. Your welcome. I should be thanking you for giving me such a great card to right about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 Can I make a little suggestion about how to present your review, you could add a link to where the card can be found. And, that card is amazing. Congrats Deity Mitsu on making a killer staple card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 20, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 Can I make a little suggestion about how to present your review' date=' you could add a link to where the card can be found. And, that card is amazing. Congrats Deity Mitsu on making a killer staple card.[/quote']Good idea. I've added a direct link to the card and a link to the original thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gungeransu Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 This is a very good idea Kaze, and a wonderful card. It makes me a bit jealous though... lol. And that just means that I will be having some great competition while I'm trying to get my own cards in here. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bdiddy Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 This card's effect is overpowered. I don't think its that good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 Bdiddy, how is it overpowered? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Father Wolf Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 it would be over used so i think right off the bat this card will be limitedi like the card! very usefull Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
New Era Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 god kaze great idea to use fake cards as card of the week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenBray Posted August 20, 2007 Report Share Posted August 20, 2007 it would be over used so i think right off the bat this card will be limited Yes, I think were all in agreement about that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 21, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 This is a very good idea Kaze, and a wonderful card. It makes me a bit jealous though... lol. And that just means that I will be having some great competition while I'm trying to get my own cards in here. XD Thanks. No need to worry, lol, a card of yours will eventually find its way in hear. This card's effect is overpowered. I don't think its that good OK it would be over used so i think right off the bat this card will be limitedi like the card! very usefull Yeah, I think we can all agree a card this fine would be limited to 1. god kaze great idea to use fake cards as card of the week. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 21, 2007 Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 Hey God Gaze Do you also chose decks? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NSB Posted August 21, 2007 Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 That would be a good idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwhale Posted August 21, 2007 Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 like if somone posted their structure deck could they win? would you Review the whole thing? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frogger Posted August 21, 2007 Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 Meh, I think it is good to stick with the card idea, and the decks rating should be in the Deck section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 21, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 Hey God Gaze Do you also chose decks?I think I'm going to stick with "card" of the week. I could review a whole deck if something special came up (like an event or holiday of some kind). That would be a good idea. Too much work to do on a weekly bases. like if somone posted their structure deck could they win? would you Review the whole thing?Actaully, I want to discourage ppl from posting cards in this thread. Maybe I could have a contest and the winner could have their entire deck reviewed, now that's an event, lol. Meh, I think it is good to stick with the card idea, and the decks rating should be in the Deck section.Yeah, I'm probably going to stick with the card idea. I dunno, we'll see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deity Mitsu Posted August 21, 2007 Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 Maybe you could have a Card of the Week vote,so that you put certain cards up for nominees that haves been entered during the week,then people vote on their favorites,and you do a review on the most voted one.Or maybe have a Card of the Week Contest or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kocrow17 Posted August 21, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 21, 2007 Maybe you could have a Card of the Week vote' date='so that you put certain cards up for nominees that haves been entered during the week,then people vote on their favorites,and you do a review on the most voted one.Or maybe have a Card of the Week Contest or something.[/quote']A have a few cards in mind already, once I've posted a few more articles, I guess I could have a COTW contest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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