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When the Ladies Rise From The Dust


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Some cards I plan on putting into LackeyCCG game I'm making, nothing outter this world or meta-altering.


Comments and criticism are always welcome :)



Allure Queen



Lets face it, Allure Queen sux big-time, time she got some help.


Throne Of Glamor

Field Spell

- "Allure Queen" monsters are unaffected by the effect of spell cards (except this one). When they would be targeted by the effects of traps you may 800 LP to negate the effect and return it to its owner's hand.


Token Lust

Normal Spell

- Place 1 "Lust Token" (0/0 ATK/DEF DARK LV.1 Spellcaster-Type) on your opponent's side of the field, the token cannot be used for tribute summoning. If the token would be moved to your side of the field, draw 1 card.


Enthralling Release (Will likely be semi-limited)

Normal Spell

- Send 1 face-up monster on your side of the field that has "Allure Queen LV" in its card name to the Graveyard to activate this card. Special Summon the monster that is written in the card text of that monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring the Summoning conditions.

The summoned monster is considered to be summoned by the effect of the monster sent to the graveyard, and no traps can be activated when the monster is summoned.


Minoa - Guardian of Allure Queen

Monster - Union/Effect

DARK Warrior Lv.5 - 1500/2000 ATK/DEF

- Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "Allure Queen" as an Equip Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. Increase the equipped monster's ATK by 900.


Julianne - Spy of Allure Queen (Will likely be limited)

Monster - Effect

DARK Spellcaster Lv.5 - 1650/1850 ATK/DEF

- This card can be special summoned in defense position from your hand while you have "Allure Queen" in play. Pay 800 LP to give control of this face-up monster to your opponent, and draw 1 card.


Allure Queen - Epoch of Control

Monster - Effect

DARK Spellcaster Lv.9 - 2000/2000 ATK/DEF


This card cannot be normal summoned or set. this card can be special summoned by removing from play 1 "Allure Queen LV.7" in your graveyard that was successfully summoned by the effect of "Allure Queen Lv.5". When this monster comes into play place 3 spell counters on it (max. 3). Each time this monster would be moved from the field, remove 1 spell counter instead

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