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Rising Sun Soldiers


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This is a new Archetype I created. I hope you enjoy them! :D




























Sorry about Nuclear Assault Striker, here's the effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 5 "Rising Sun" monsters on your side of the field. While this card is on your side of the field, once per turn you may discard 1 "Rising Sun Nuclear Strike" from your hand to destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field. When you activate this effect only this card can attack this turn. If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. This card's battle position cannot be changed until the end of your next turn, except with a card effect. While this card is on your side of the field, all "Rising Sun" monsters you control gain 500 ATK and DEF.


lol My own Metal Gear. :lol:

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Suprisingly good OCG/grammar for a new member.


here are some errors though:


one = 1

deck = Deck

may = can


The picture are good, except they really should not be real photos.


The effects seem fine aswell.


Nice job, keep up the good work.



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Wow everyone thanx for all the support. So I still had more of those one's may's and decks? Can someone please tell me where they are on the cards?


Yeah I know the pictures are a little crazy with the real-life soldiers and all, but I seriously don't know where to find better ones. If someone does could they let me know so I can change them.

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Hey buddy :P Hasent been on forz a while Nice Guns >=] I likez the cards sucks ya couldnt get drawingz but I have 2 say about 8.9/10 :D About time i got a friend on this :P I Haz beenz lonely since i Joined Ive been Like XP No1 to talk to and all that so yea :P Gunna make more cards again Hope ya like em :D

Btw I like Z :D (If you didnt notice :P)

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I looked at your cards like you asked. A few of the monsters should have their boosts cut a little. None should exceed +300 per monster, considering how many of them you can amass. Aside from that, and the photo-pictures (I'll look around for some), the set is really good. This is perhaps the best set I have seen on the site. You have carefully thought out each effect, balancing them to create a very realistic series. I did not dwell on nit-picky OCG. I saw no objection, though I did not check capitalization. I never would have expected to see a set this good, let alone by a "n00b" (you are one because you are new, but that is the extent of it in your case). You get a 10 out of 10. I would lower that because of pictures, but good ones for your set are difficult to find. I am giving you a rep for your unique and logical mind.

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