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Overheat29's Adoptable Buddies!


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Hi! Anyone like to have an adopdable? Well you came to the right place!


I have a couple rules though. One is I ONLY can make Kirby,Mario,Digimon,Megaman and any other sprites. If you need any sprite, I will TRY to get it but I am not promising I will find the perfect sprite. If you have a sprite, post it! And to comfirm your adoptable, follow my dierections. And no inaproprate names or sprites or I will report and you will not get your sprites. This rule also goes for spaming. You can level up your sprites if a member comes and gets sent here.


For a member to come, post this message in your sig.



Please go to this URL and you will get rewarded! http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-74079.html Maybe 2 points or reps if you lucky!^_^




Examples! examplebuddywk0.png example2jx1.png

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wow,whats with the adopatable?first off,you have to be an very active member and willing to look through over 10 posts everyday to catch up with all the leveling if it's popular so don't think you can just say you make one and expect to level up everyones adoptable everyday,secondly,it has lots of spam if you keep posting so i recommend you change it to PM instead,and third,yours have to look good before anyone even buys them.

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