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Silent Detective

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Hi and welcome to Job Day.

" Um... hi can I become a warrior."

the person at the deck points to some big wooden doors

" go there" you nod and go open the doors

there is 7 people there and two people behind the desk

" hi " you say

everyone stares at you

" um i would like to become a warrior"

the person behind the desk studies you a bit and nods at the person at the end he calls Sir Zelf

now Sir Zelf studies you he shakes his head

" he/she is too small"

inside you feel hurt and rejected

the person behind the desk says" any other choices"

you take a gulp" I-I- would like to apply for a chef"

now the person at the end studies you and you just remeber you stole a cake from the kitchen eariler

( gulp)

"Chef Sparr" the sencond person behind the desk says

the chef shakes his head

" he stole a cake eariler"

everyone gasps

the person behind the desk sends you out but out of the corner of the eye you see a person in a black cloak it was Ranger Kalt he put something on the desk the person behind the desk reads it and puts on a grim face

tonight you deciceded to see what was written on the paper you climb up to see what is written you were about to touch it but you are cought by Ranger Kalt

then you see the guy behind the desk

Ranger Kalt: didn't i tell ya

Headmaster Rossion nods

Rossion" then let him read it

it says


I will take him/her as my appertice and i will teach him/her the element of my kind and the element and the tenchnigue of the ranger

there was one thing the ranger didn't tell you

you are the choosen one

you are choosen to face morgrath and defeat him



now here's the form



Age( perfered 14, 15, 16,)

Placement: (Leader or Appretice)

Element: (water,earth,fire,air,lighting,ice,dark,light,)



Appretice: Rokujo



Leader: Jack

Appretice: Therna



Leader: Infernos




Leader: Cali (me)

Apppretice: Tarr


here is my form


Name: Cali

Placement: Leader

Age: 16

Element: air


i'll add more when more come in

and when your a leader i'll tell you what to teach the apprectice

like about knifes and bow and arrows

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Name: Rokujo Miharu

Age( perfered 14, 15, 16,): 15

Placement: Has the intelligence of a Leader, but still seems like an Apprentice when it comes to Teamwork.

Element: Dark

Bio: (I feel like adding one, so get over it) Rokujo was always a Dark Character, never popular with other people, nor did he enjoy teamwork. He was like this when his friend turned on him, so Rokujo had no choice but to "Kill" his friend. Rokujo sometimes acts on his own, because he has an extremly high intelligence, and has reflexes of one too.

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Okay. Oh yeah, Rokujo Miharu is a Male.


Name: Infernos

Gender: Male

Age( perfered 14, 15, 16,): 16

Placement: (Leader or Appretice): Leader

Element: (water,earth,fire,air,lighting,ice,dark,light,): Fire


Name: Therna

Gender: Female

Age( perfered 14, 15, 16,): 14

Placement: (Leader or Appretice): Apprentice

Element: (water,earth,fire,air,lighting,ice,dark,light,): Lightning

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