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Yugioh Hidden Legacy: The Written Movie


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or you could you could use those charcters i suggested earleir.

heres some charcters for your fantic hope it helps

name mike weber

deck phoneix hero/dragon hero deck

and anthoer he swore never to use his s.d(shadow dimension) cyber deck,unless he has to.


best card not sure yet

apperance looks like zane

background he recived this deck after his brother stole the armor hero deck from the hero-style acadmey,he's been searching for him since he was 7.

duel sprit:phoneix hero-burst and dragon hero-burner

plz use him and his brother

cards he uses in the s.d cyber deck













Name:kyle trusedale


Description:black hair,blue eyes,black coat

Deck:cyber hero

Best card:three of them cyber hero-magican and cyber hero-chimera,choas infernal dragon

Personality:he's nice if your nice to him,he's been ig champ 5 years running

background:unknown,although we do know his cousion is zane trusedale

nice chapters dude.here it is hope you like it.his duel spirt would probaly be choas infernal dragon.hopefully he can be added.cause with this deck when he duels it should make the duel very exciting.


name tony stark

deck diamond dragon deck(the dragon cards i made)

apperance red hair,blue eyes,scar on right eye



best card:diamond dragon dues


nick steiner

deck spellcasters/warrior

apperance green hair,brown eyes,a x scar on right hand

background:main rival of kyle

best cards:silent magican lv8 and silent swordsman lv7


kamon weber

deck armor hero deck

age 13

best card armor hero-aeon

background the brother of mike

apperance looks like yubel johan


sara johnson

deck:time heros

age 16

best card:time hero swordsman

background unknown,except for shes mikes girlfriend

apperance:brown long hair,brown eyes,white skin


tyler brown

apperance looks like syrus with brown hair

deck aeon armor deck

best card aeon buckshooter


andrew childers

apperance looks like martin mystrey

deck paladin deck

best card paladin choas-swordsman

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Name - Gladius Ferrera

Age - 17

Born - September 19th 1989

Deck Type - Cosmos Robots (Look in realistic cards)

Fav. Card - Cosmos Alien

Spirit - Cosmos Alien

Bio - A teenager that hates being in large crowds and likes solitude. He only duels if a person challenges him...Yet he has very distinctive duel abilities and he is secretly in love with a girl in his class. (Somebody create his g-friend)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a suggestion



Name:Ryuzora Hayaki


Deck:Thunder deck

Fav. card:Three-Headed Thunder Dragon(Same ATK and DEF as C.E.D but without effect)

Spirit:Thunder Dragon

Apperance:Long yellow hair and red-eyed.

Bio:Cool,calm,quite.It´s pretty rare when he pays his opponents a compliment


btw your fanfic ROCKS!!

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My suggestion is to make this movie a non-canon promotional thing. Look at the Yugioh movie' date=' the one with Anubis in it. You need a powerful villain who's connected with your main character's past, something like that.



I agree with him for the idea.


Here's my character if you want to use him:


Name - Dag Fourone, just Dag usually

Age - 15

Deck Type - Gladial Beasts (http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=9516&pid=133194&)

Favourite Card - Gladial Beast Alexander

Duel Spirit - All (like the Neospacians) or just Secutor

Appearance - Brown hair, camo-cargo shorts and Dark-Grey Shirt. He where an old stone-looking duel-disk that goes up his arm to the shoulder.

Bio - He always felt a connection to duel monster, though he was never very good, when visiting family in Rome however he discovered a group of cards hidden within a cavern that held a strange connection with him (the Gladials). He's become very skilled since beginning to use them. He will defend those in search of help without hesitation.

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EDIT: Deck made I will PM it to you.


Name: Unknown, people usually just call him 'Growler'


Age: 14


Deck Type: Wolf Deck


Favourite Card: The Lone Wolf

Duel Spirit: The Lone Wolf


Appearance: Scruffy, uncombed, brown hair, hazel eyes, pretty small, wears a black top with black jeans and a long black leather jacket which goes down to his ankles.


Biography: Has no family, the only valuable thing he posesses is his duel disk and deck.

Knows nothing of his past, but easily gets annoyed and aggrivated. He shouts pretty loud when he is insulted. The few friends he has he will defend with his life.


His duel disk is furry and spiky.


Hope you use him!

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