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Stephen Hawking...Tenacious D...Chuck Norris...we have gathered you here today to launch...OPERATION MINDFUX!


this is a twist on my old Power Pack deck.mostly the same,but a few new additions and subtractions.first off,this deck is a Gemini Monarch deck.i don't think anyone has ever attempted one of those before.the reason behind the name is because the deck is tricky to play and play against.there are subtle things about ti that are tough to side against.here it is:



Evil Hero Malicious Edge x1

Dark Ruler Ha Des x1

Chthonian Emperor Dragon x1

Caius the Shadow Monarch x3

Raiza the Storm Monarch x1

Grasschopper x1

Destiny Hero Dasher x2

Dark Valkyria x2

Blue Thunder T-45 x1

King Tiger Wanghu x1

Hydrogeddon x3

Mirage Dragon x1

Blazewing Butterfly x1

Twin Headed Behemoth x1

Gilasaurus x1

Gyroid x1


Rule Hacks(Spells):12

Smashing Ground x1

Heavy Storm x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Cup of Ace x1

Soul Exchange x1

Monster Gate x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Emergency Provisions x1

Burden of the Mighty x1

Domino Effect x1

Ribbon of Rebirth x1

Mausoleum of the Emperor x1


Ha-Ha,You fell Down(Traps):7

Magic Cylinder x1

Sinister Seeds x1

Dust Tornado x1

Zoma the Spirit x1

Ultimate Offering x1

Magic Jammer x1

Negate Attack x1


try it out.this is IRL,so don't suggest Solemns/Bribes.

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I'll try and make realistic fixes without touching your gemini monsters too much (and not too expensive)...




-dark ruler ha des


-cup of ace


-domino effect

-negate attack


+spirit reaper

+grand mole

+2 prime material dragon

+1 soul exchange

+brain control

+monster reborn

+gemini trap hole


Try that

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i can do most of those,actually.all i need is 2 PMDs and a Spirit Reaper.maybe a Gemini TH.

ill grab my tinful of spare cards and see if i can dredge up any of these pieces of win.can't find reborn or Mole.

here are my cards that i found that may help:

Shadow Delver


D-Hero Dunker(Dasher Dumper)

Wall of Illusion

The Fool

Bottomless Trap Hole


any suggestions what to replace?


for now,im going with:


Gyroid/Shadow delver


Grasschopper/The Fool.

Blue Thunder/Dunker(tech)


Mausoleum/Brain Control

Cup of Ace/Soul Exchange.


Dust Tornado/Bottomless

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