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Asterr's First Art Shop


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WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Is this spam? Please don't spam. Also, its kinda annoying to have people posting things like "good luck" and "keep it up!" I'D appreciate it if you'd only post to buy somthing, give updates on progress of orders, or to give suggestions. Also, It'd be nice if you had shop hours, so people know when their orders will be fufilled.



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Ok. Im just making a simple request that this MIGHT be done by pm if its somthing NO ONE ELSE KNOWS OF! Oh, you thought i was angry?:( I just like emphisizing certain points! Also, A shop like this would be AWSOME if it were more atentive:(. At least updates. I realize most people (including me) have a life outside this website but if your going to have a shop like this please at least give an update every now and again.



P.S. if you complete my order I will pay you as well as aster.

Oh, sorry. Didnt relize aster was away but still..

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