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Evolving Pokeballs (1 point each)


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Hello, have you ever wanted your own custom pokeball that evolves?

Well I have made it come true. You can have your own that is in your siggy.

Here are some examples.



[spoiler=Pokeball Regular]




[spoiler=Forest Ball]


Description: This pokeball works well on grass and flying-type pokemon.







1. No stealing or you will be added to the ban list.

2. No flaming or you will get a warning for the ban list.

3. You can't give other members the img code, or ask for the img code. People that break that rule will be added to the ban list without warning.

4. Don't post on this shop after your name has been added to the ban list. If you do, your post will be reported and you will be neg repped.


If you want to order a evolving pokeball copy and paste the form below.




Pokeball colors:

(or)Pokeball type:

Pokeball Hatching Date:(Must be at least in a week's time of ordering date)

Basic Pokemon:

1st Stage:

2nd Stage:


[spoiler=Current Orders]

1. Freddy





[spoiler=Ban/Warning List]








The examples are an enlarged size of the actual size.

Credit to http://pokemonelite2000.com for the sprites I will use.

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Username: DarkDragonX

Nickname: Psychic

Pokeball type: Master Ball

Pokeball Hatching Date: October 12th, 2008

Basic Pokemon: Cresselia

1st Stage: Unown

2nd Stage: Mewtwo


If you need any more information, please PM me or tell me here, in the shop. I will pay the 5 points now.

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