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Super Smash Bros Official Thread (Remake)

Flame Dragon

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All right. I just got my Wii back from Nintendo Thursday afternoon. And I've been playing SSBB and SSBM and even the 1st SSB ever since then. The very first thing I did was take Toon Link out for a spin. It turns out he's like my best now, lol. I guess it's been a while since I've used him, and I've improved a lot since I used him last. The only thing I don't like about Toon Link now is his reach. Compared to Link, he has more of a short and stubby sword, reducing the range of his smash attacks. Like for example, if I'm standing under the left platform on Battlefield, and I use my Up smash, I can't reach the char on the platform, which I can do with most other characters. But anyway, I never use Link anymore. So I guess that brings all this violent arguing to an end......


Not really.


I took a look at the Melee tier list. I read the top spot: Fox, I can totally agree with that. But in 2nd position, I found Marth, and I got really mad. I looked down really fast and saw Roy down at 18. Why is Marth higher than Roy?


Roy is FAR more powerful, same attacks, and he's the same speed as Marth. Even if Marth is better than Roy, the tier differences between them should at least be close. Unlike the L VS. TL one, I've used both characters recently and I can argue why Roy is better.

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I took a look at the Melee tier list. I read the top spot: Fox, I can totally agree with that. But in 2nd position, I found Marth, and I got really mad. I looked down really fast and saw Roy down at 18. Why is Marth higher than Roy?


Roy is FAR more powerful, same attacks, and he's the same speed as Marth. Even if Marth is better than Roy, the tier differences between them should at least be close. Unlike the L VS. TL one, I've used both characters recently and I can argue why Roy is better.

Roy's attacks a slower then Marth giving him an huge edge in the fast meta that is melee. Roy can't combo as well and he is much easier to combo. And while you might be playing them, competitive melee is nothing like what your use to.

Great vid of how Marth can own.

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Never knew you guys liked SSF, OMG!!! I just discovered SSF, and love it. I unlocked all the characters, *coughihackeditcough* and conguered the game and mastered it. Tried the demo of SSF2, and thought meh. Thought it was awesome other than the fact that the controls suck. Why can't they stick to the PO thing? Also, I'm glad how they enhanced Naruto's move set. When I unlocked him in SSF, these were my emotions when trying him out:


After I unlocked him: =D

After trying him out: o___o


All he can do is kick and punch. God, I was so happy that he can actually throw knives and use jutsus in this game.

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Never knew you guys liked SSF, OMG!!! I just discovered SSF, and love it. I unlocked all the characters, *coughihackeditcough* and conguered the game and mastered it. Tried the demo of SSF2, and thought meh. Thought it was awesome other than the fact that the controls suck. Why can't they stick to the PO thing? Also, I'm glad how they enhanced Naruto's move set. When I unlocked him in SSF, these were my emotions when trying him out:


After I unlocked him: =D

After trying him out: o___o


All he can do is kick and punch. God, I was so happy that he can actually throw knives and use jutsus in this game.

2 is so much better then 1. Between controls being odd (why doesn't ^ make you jump), the limited moves, and the crap physics 2 is much better once you play it a bit.


yep,Naruto Sucks in the first SSF,my main was Lloyd Irving =D

I never really had a main since I would just find a move to spam and watch as everything died. Naruto is a lot better in 2. Lloyds ok, but I personally don't like him that much. I do kind of have a main in 2, Ichigo. He is really good.



I think its funny how daisy and claus (spelling) Are actually in the game, just as differant costumes.

You spelt Clause right. Remember its an anagram of Lucas. And yea, I play Clause not Lucas.

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Oh, now I see that, heh thats funny, naming twins with anagram names, I havent played mother 3 much, is claus physchic?

Yea, Mother 3 is a great game. Not to give to much away Clause is a lot like Lucas, but you really don't see much of him. Despite the little Clause time, he is still an important character.


In SSF2 Ichigo and Naruto are by far the two best.


The thing I hate about SSF1 is that you accumalate 100% in like 3 hits. Once I just got killed, so I had 0 damage. I literally bllnked and I had 169. WTF was that?????

Yea. IMO Sora is the worse. He just in't good. Still, it's still only 60% of the way there, so a lot can change.


Yea, that is the biggest problem with 1. You take what seems to be a random amount of damage and you can die very easily because of the crap physics. Still, a great way to kill time. I just want 2 to come out.

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Yeah. Seriously, I was playing as Sora, and I was muttering WTF all the time. All of his attacks suck. They are short ranged, he's slow, and his FS sucks (to my knowledge.)


I really hope they fix that damage accumulation problem in SSF2. It does kill time. I can finish a battle with 4 LV9's on SSF and on SSBB, and it takes twice as long on SSBB.


The two main reasons why this happens:


The damage accumulation thing,


and the fact that you can't dodge, use sheild, etc.


But still looking forward to SSF2 a lot.

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Yeah. Seriously, I was playing as Sora, and I was muttering WTF all the time. All of his attacks suck. They are short ranged, he's slow, and his FS sucks (to my knowledge.)


I really hope they fix that damage accumulation problem in SSF2. It does kill time. I can finish a battle with 4 LV9's on SSF and on SSBB, and it takes twice as long on SSBB.


The two main reasons why this happens:


The damage accumulation thing,


and the fact that you can't dodge, use sheild, etc.


But still looking forward to SSF2 a lot.

Short range....

IF you say so.I use glide.

and use Mid-air neutral.The combinations suck.


Did you notice that?

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