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Slimey Plant Synchro

The Slime Lord

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Hey, guys. First post from me in a while. Anyway, I've slightly out of Yugioh for a while now. But recently, I looked at all this Plant Synchro stuff and thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I found that it works alright. I've really only played it against semi-decent decks. I imagine it will work a lot better once Weed and all this other CSOC stuff comes out. Yeah, fixes would be cool since it's a little inconsistent. Please note that I run this IRL. That pretty much means saying things like, "needs Solemns" is pointless because I'll never be able to get them.


Monsters (x17)


Gigaplant (x3)

Lonefire Blossom (x3)

Blazewing Butterfly (x2)

UFO Turtle (x2)

Sangan (x1)

Spirit Reaper (x1)

Breaker (x1)

Krebons (x3)

Magna Drago (x1)


Spells (x15)


Swing of Memories (x3)

Foolish (x2)

E-Con (x1)

Monster Reborn (x1)

Lightning Vortex (x1)

Brain Control (x1)

Card Destruction (x1)

Scapegoat (x1)

MST (x1)

Heavy Storm (x1)

Swords of Revealing Light (x1)

Hammer Shot (x1)


Traps (x8)


Birthright (x3)

Dust Tornado (x3)

TT (x1)

Mirror Force (x1)


Extra Deck (x3)


Stardust Dragon (x2)

Goyo Guardian (x1)

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