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Hero Force

What is your favorite deck?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite deck?

    • E-Hero Deck
    • D-Hero Deck
    • Neo-spacian Deck
    • Volcanic Deck
    • Underworld Deck
    • Six Samurai Deck
    • Crystal Beast Deck
    • Evil Hero Deck
    • Zombie Deck
    • Ancient Gear Deck

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Taking a break from Gemini until I get the 9 that I'm missing. In the meantime, I thought I would use an Elemental Hero Deck. If it doesn't work, my next Deck will probably be WIND. Also, if there is a card that isn't here that OBVIOUSLY SHOULD (like miracle fusion), then it's likely i DONT have it.


Monsters: (20)

Fox Fire

Elemental Hero Bladedge

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

Elemental Hero Sparkman

Elemental Hero Sparkman

Elemental Hero Clayman

Elemental Hero Clayman

Elemental Hero Wildheart

Elemental Hero Wildheart

Elemental Hero Bubbleman

Elemental Hero Bubbleman

Elemental Hero Bubbleman


The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion


Spells: (14)


Skyscraper 2 - Hero City

E - Emergency Call

O - Oversoul

Cyclone Boomerang




Future Fusion

Fusion Gate

Heavy Storm

Smashing Ground

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mage Power


Traps: (6)

Hero Counterattack

Elemental Recharge

Change of Hero - Reflector Ray

Spell Shield Type-8

Call of the Haunted

Radiant Mirror Force


Fusions: (11)

Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

Elemental Hero Tempest

Elemental Hero Wildedge

Elemental Hero Darkbright

Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

Elemental Hero Electrum

Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman

Elemental Hero Mariner

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try to get a fifth hope card. it is very useful if your out of cards and have nothing on the feild.


p.s.- what gemini cards are you missing.


ok. these are the geminis im missing. one of them is actually only a gemini support:


Elemental Hero Neos Alius

Chthonian Emperor Dragon

Lucky Pied Piper


Doom Shaman

Phantom Dragonray Bronto

Il Blud

Blazewing Butterfly

Double Summon

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wheres the d-heros and stratos or woodsman or ocean O.o this is all begining heros which all suck

evil heros 147%


i dont have stratos' date=' ocean, or woodsman. but i have some d-heroes, so ill put them in.


here's an improvement on my deck. i threw in three destiny heroes and changed the spell and traps a little.



1 x Fox Fire

1 x Elemental Hero Bladedge

2 x Elemental Hero Avian

2 x Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

2 x Elemental Hero Sparkman

2 x Elemental Hero Clayman

2 x Elemental Hero Wildheart

2 x Elemental Hero Bubbleman

1 x Destiny Hero - Dasher

1 x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

1 x Destiny Hero - Doom Lord

1 x Wroughtweiler

2 x The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion



1 x Skyscraper

1 x Skyscraper 2 - Hero City

1 x E - Emergency Call

1 x D - Spirit

1 x Cyclone Boomerang

3 x Polymerization

1 x Future Fusion

1 x Fusion Gate

1 x The Warrior Returning Alive

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Fissure

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Megamorph



1 x Hero Counterattack

1 x Elemental Recharge

1 x Change of Hero - Reflector Ray

1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x Sakuretsu Armor



1 x Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

1 x Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

1 x Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

1 x Elemental Hero Tempest

1 x Elemental Hero Wildedge

1 x Elemental Hero Darkbright

1 x Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

1 x Elemental Hero Electrum

1 x Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

1 x Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman

1 x Elemental Hero Mariner

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wheres the d-heros and stratos or woodsman or ocean O.o this is all begining heros which all suck

evil heros 147%


i dont have stratos' date=' ocean, or woodsman. but i have some d-heroes, so ill put them in.


here's an improvement on my deck. i threw in three destiny heroes and changed the spell and traps a little.



1 x Elemental Hero Bladedge

2 x Elemental Hero Avian

2 x Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

2 x Elemental Hero Sparkman

2 x Elemental Hero Clayman

2 x Elemental Hero Wildheart

2 x Elemental Hero Bubbleman

x2 elemental hero captain gold



3 x Skyscraper

13 x Skyscraper 2 - Hero City

1 x E - Emergency Call

1 x The Warrior Returning Alive

1 x Heavy Storm

2x smashing ground

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x premature burial



1 x Hero Counterattack

1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x Sakuretsu Armor

1x mirror force







that might help ya

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wheres the d-heros and stratos or woodsman or ocean O.o this is all begining heros which all suck

evil heros 147%


i dont have stratos' date=' ocean, or woodsman. but i have some d-heroes, so ill put them in.


here's an improvement on my deck. i threw in three destiny heroes and changed the spell and traps a little.



1 x Elemental Hero Bladedge

2 x Elemental Hero Avian

2 x Elemental Hero Burstinatrix

2 x Elemental Hero Sparkman

2 x Elemental Hero Clayman

2 x Elemental Hero Wildheart

2 x Elemental Hero Bubbleman

x2 elemental hero captain gold



3 x Skyscraper

13 x Skyscraper 2 - Hero City

1 x E - Emergency Call

1 x The Warrior Returning Alive

1 x Heavy Storm

2x smashing ground

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x premature burial



1 x Hero Counterattack

1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x Sakuretsu Armor

1x mirror force







that might help ya


well, i dont have gold, and only one copy of both skyscrapers, and i prefer the fusions. plus, my mirror force is japanese.


also, i cant have 2 smashing grounds, its gonna be limited on the september 1st. ill try to do everything else tho

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not really. my volcanic spacian deck ripped a big city deck apart, but lost to a regular e-hero deck.

p.s.- why does everybody think big city deck's are e-hero decks. the contain a few e-heros, but that does not make it an e-hero deck. the reason for e-heros is their fusions. they are usless on their own. no i am not saying e-hero fusions are great, but those cards are usless without combining.

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not really. my volcanic spacian deck ripped a big city deck apart' date=' but lost to a regular e-hero deck.

p.s.- why does everybody think big city deck's are e-hero decks. the contain a few e-heros, but that does not make it an e-hero deck. the reason for e-heros is their fusions. they are usless on their own. no i am not saying e-hero fusions are great, but those cards are usless without combining.



i agree. when i was a noob, i thought that avian was good alone cause jaden used him.


also, who was the person who answered "What's a Hero?" on my poll?

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not really. my volcanic spacian deck ripped a big city deck apart' date=' but lost to a regular e-hero deck.

p.s.- why does everybody think big city deck's are e-hero decks. the contain a few e-heros, but that does not make it an e-hero deck. the reason for e-heros is their fusions. they are usless on their own. no i am not saying e-hero fusions are great, but those cards are usless without combining.



volcanic neo spacian deck?? eeew, you always say that decks you have that arnt good cards beat uber decks....im starting not to belive that...and dont argue with me in here.....do it in pms

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dragonbatosai Wrote:

not really. my volcanic spacian deck ripped a big city deck apart, but lost to a regular e-hero deck.

p.s.- why does everybody think big city deck's are e-hero decks. the contain a few e-heros, but that does not make it an e-hero deck. the reason for e-heros is their fusions. they are usless on their own. no i am not saying e-hero fusions are great, but those cards are usless without combining.

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