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The 1st Warrior RPG Game Free Joining Shop and MVP Weps for 1st people that sign up!!

Fairy Knight King

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In this RPG you will start off around your mid-teens 15-18. You will start of with 100 Gold and a free LvL 1 wep and armor pass. PM me the wep and armor pass and you will get a few choices. This RPG is based around armor and weapons. The set up will be kind of like World of Warcraft but mostly a talking and buying game. You will battle but that will be mentioned later. THE SIGN UP- The form to sign up is like this-


Age: Must be between 15 and 18



Race: Human, Orc, Goblin, Gnome, Dwarf

Class: Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Paladin

The GM (manager of the game) is me, and this is my form

Name: FKK or GM

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Good/Evil: Good

Race: Gnome

Class: Paladin

If you win a battle against somebody I will see and record your LvL points. Ill PM you if you reach your next LvL. Also if you win a battle you have a chance to win a lot of gold or a GM wep or armor.


In this RPG you will be battling other members. Their LvL, weapons, armor, and inventory will be listed in another section of this post.







Health: 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,..................>


Main Hand:GM Scorch Blade

Damage: ????

Off Hand: GM Barricade Paralyzer

Armor: 1,000,000,000

+ Damage: 1,000 + LvL of opponent x 100




GM Helmet of Ultimate Wrath

Armor: ????????????????????

+ Disables Opponent's Armor

GM Chestplate of Ultimate Wrath

Armor: ????????????????????

GM ArmPlates of the Unstoppable Beast

Armor: ????????????????????????

+ Calls forth an Almighty Beast that does 1,000,000,000,000 per ATK

GM Leg-Guards of the Stealthy Raider

Armor: ???????????????????




LvL: Unknown









Health: 4,000


Main Hand: MVP Crystal Saber

Damage: 450-600

+ Calls forth a Crystal that infuses with your blade to make critical hit chances inrease.

Off Hand:




Forest Fire Headplate

Armor: 250

MVP Crystal Chestpiece

Armor: 700

MVP Crystal Leg Plates

Armor: 650

Shell Arm Guards

Armor: 100




LvL: 5









Health: 3,000


Main Hand: MVP Power Hammer

Damage: 600-700

+ Once during a battle you may increase your health by 500.

Off Hand: MVP Shield of Justice

Armor: 500




MVP Paladin HeadGear

Armor: 700

MVP Paladin ChestGear

Armor: 1,000

MVP Paladin LegGear

Armor: 800

MVP Paladin ArmGear

Armor: 500




LvL: 5





[spoiler=Zeo Shinoda]




Health: 4,000


Main Hand: MVP Mega Smash Hammer

Damage: 700-800

Off Hand:




HeadPlate of the Dragon

Armor: 1,000

Chestplate of the Dragon

Armor: 1,500

+ Sprouts Dragon Wings and has better chance of dodging attack.

Legplates of the Dragon

Armor: 1,200

Armplates of the Dragon

Armor: 950




LvL: 5





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