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Fairy Burn Deck

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Monsters: (22)

3x Athena

2x Arcana Force XVIII - THE MOON

1x Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin

3x Honest

3x Shining Angel

3x Gellenduo

3x Nova Summoner

1x Sangan

2x Airknight Parshath

1x Cyber Dragon/Snipe Hunter


Spells: (11)

2x Inferno Reckless Summon

2x Celestial Transformation

1x Monster Reborn

2x Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Brain Control

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Heavy Storm


Traps: (7)

1x Mirror Force

1x Reversal of Fate (iffy on this one)

1x Ultimate Offering

3x Solemn Judgment

1x Wall of Revealing Light

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