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Finally a card that can defeat chuck norris

Orichalcos Soldier

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a card to destroy those spammy annoying overpowered chuch norris cards!



CARD EFFECT:As long as this card remains face up on the field, ignore the effects of all rediculusly overpowered Chuck Norris cards (exluding this card) no matter what thier effect is, all overpowered Chuck Norris cards have thier ATK reduced to zero. If you destroy an Overpowered Chuck Norris card in battle while this card is face up on the field twice the battle damage is inflicted to its owner, the card is removed from play and cannot return during the current duel.




the original pic is prim this website i found it from google then changed with paint


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Chuck Norris will smash through this card like it's air. >_>


Chuck is really insulted.


Chuck is also pissed off at the noobs who slander his good name on YCM' date=' don't worry~



Go away. This is our own little small anti-Chuck Norris thread. Besides, Bruce Lee owned him, so shush.

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