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Yin and Yang


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8/10 I really like what you've done with the Yin and Yang concept. Few things though: I think Yang Field's ATK bonus should be decreased to a balanced +300. Same goes for Yin Field. As for Yin Students - Rhea, what's the goal of it's effect? Not to be destroyed in Battle when fighting a stronger Monster? One last thing; did you misspell "raigeki" for Yang Ragieki?

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Yang Students is like the B.E.S effect, except when weaker monsters attack, it doesn't get rid of a counter. Plus, Students are supposed to be like 3 monsters for the cost of one. You could use a counter on the student to Tribute summon the monster. Also, the counters could be used for costs. I think I made it a little broken.....


Yes, I mispelled Raigeki. Thanks for telling me that.


Funny, the card with the most mistakes are the ones I forgot to save.....

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